One cannot believe the naive stupidity of our Clinton Team!!

In 1995, when Al Gore visited Haiti to celebrate the first anniversary of our Return of Democracy to Haiti, the Clinton team suggested   Doctor Boulos, operator of a large charity clinic, would make a good candidate for the presidency.  As a show of support Al Gore’s wife went to visit the Boulos clinic  and was almost killed when an Aristide-directed  mob  attacked the place. It took UN troops almost one hour to extract her from this calamity and she went directly to Air Force Two and refused to leave this sanctuary.  Vice-President Gore canceled further meetings with Aristide/Preval and flew back to Washington.

There was a sideline to this chain of dangers. Hillary Clinton visited Haiti and talked with another lady. Hours after Hillary’s departure, gunmen sprayed the Haitian woman’s car, killing her driver and wounding her!

Now, the Clinton Administration has let it be known that Olivier Nadal, President of Haiti’s Chamber of Commerce, would make a good presidential possibility. The Aristide/Preval threat was immediate!!1 Kill Nadal!!!

Last week Olivier Nadal was driven into the Dominican Republic by Les Alexander, our acting ambassador in Haiti.

If   the Clinton team wishes to recommend anyone in the future, they should supply the target of their affection with a bullet-proof jacket first, coupled with an automatic approval for political asylum.