Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
Пресвятая Богородице спаси нас!  (Santíssima Mãe de Deus, salva-nos!)
RDeo grátias. R.  Thanks be to God.
March is the month of Saint Joseph since 1855;
22,600 lives saved since 2007
Haitian Help Funding Seeds Haitian Geology AND Haitian Paintings

For the Son of man ... will repay every man for what he has done.

  Campaign saves lives
Shawn Carney Campaign Director

Please save the unborn from painful deaths and peaceful lives in this world
It is a great poverty that a child must die so that you may live as you wish -- Mother Teresa

March 30 – Our Lady of Miracles (Lucca, Italy, 1588) 
The first person to whom the risen Christ appeared
During the Easter season, we meditate on many stories of apparitions of the risen Christ. But there is a person who seems to be overlooked—or who maybe remains discreet in her silence—the Virgin Mary. Yet she is mentioned before—at the foot of the Cross, and after—in the Upper Room at Pentecost. Scripture seems to cover with a veil of delicacy the poignant meeting between the Mother and her Son after he conquered death.

Saint John Paul II did not hesitate to suggest as much: "How could the Blessed Virgin, present in the first community of disciples, be excluded from those who met her divine Son after he had risen from the dead? Indeed, it is legitimate to think that the Mother was probably the first person to whom the risen Christ appeared. Could not Mary’s absence from the group of women who went to the tomb at dawn indicate that she had already met Jesus? … The unique and special character of the Blessed Virgin’s presence at Calvary and her perfect union with the Son in his suffering on the Cross seem to postulate a very particular sharing on her part in the mystery of the Resurrection." (May 21, 1997)
 The Meeting of the Most Holy Theotokos and Saint Elizabeth
Father Nicolas Bossu LC
Jerusalem, April 14, 2014 (

The saints are a “cloud of witnesses over our head”, showing us life of Christian perfection is possible

Our Bartholomew Family Prayer List
Joyful Mystery on Monday Saturday   Glorius Mystery on Sunday Wednesday
   Sorrowful Mystery on Friday Tuesday   Luminous Mystery on Thursday Veterens of War

Acts of the Apostles

How do I start the Five First Saturdays?
Nine First Fridays Devotion to the Sacred Heart From the writings of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Mary Mother of GOD 15 Promises of the Virgin Mary to those who recite the Rosary 

Mary's Divine Motherhood
Called in the Gospel "the Mother of Jesus," Mary is acclaimed by Elizabeth, at the prompting of the Spirit and even before the birth of her son, as "the Mother of my Lord" (Lk 1:43; Jn 2:1; 19:25; cf. Mt 13:55; et al.). In fact, the One whom she conceived as man by the Holy Spirit, who truly became her Son according to the flesh, was none other than the Father's eternal Son, the second person of the Holy Trinity.
Hence the Church confesses that Mary is truly "Mother of God" (Theotokos).

Catechism of the Catholic Church 495, quoting the Council of Ephesus (431): DS 251.

I will not live an instant that I do not live in love. Whoever loves does all things without suffering,
or, suffering, loves his suffering. -- St. Augustine

March 30 – Monday of Holy Week - Our Lady of Miracles (Lucca, Italy, 1588)  
The scapular spared a house from fire
A German Carmelite told the following story:
In May of 1957, an entire street caught fire in Westboden, Germany. The pious inhabitants of one of the burning houses, finding themselves in the middle of the fire, pinned a scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel to their front door and fled. Flames and sparks fell on the house relentlessly for five hours.
When the fire was finally under control, the people counted that twenty-two houses had been reduced to ashes. Only the one with the scapular on its door had remained perfectly intact.
Hundreds of people were eyewitnesses to the power of intercession of Our Lady, as they saw the miracle of the spared house among the damage and destruction.
In Le scapulaire du Mont-Carmel, (The Scapular of Mount Carmel), Editions Traditions Monastiques, March 1997

March 30 – Our Lady of Miracles (Lucca, Italy, 1588) 
Pope Francis 
She shows you the path to take in order to develop the role of women in society and in the Church
I hoped that increasing space may be offered to women for a more widespread and incisive presence in the Church. (…)
If in the world of work and in the public sphere a more incisive contribution of women’s genius is important, this contribution remains essential within the family, which for we Christians is not simply a private place, but rather that “domestic Church,” whose health and prosperity is a condition for the health and prosperity of the Church and of society itself. (…)
It is in dialogue with God that is illumined by his Word and watered by the grace of the sacraments that the Christian woman seeks ever anew to respond to the Lord’s call, in her practical circumstances.

Such prayer is always supported by Mary’s maternal presence.
May, she, who cared for her divine Son, who prompted the first miracle at the Wedding Feast of Cana, who was present on Calvary and at Pentecost, indicate to you the path to take in order to deepen the meaning and role of women in society in order to be completely faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ and to your mission in the world.
To the participants in the 29th National Congress sponsored by the Italian Women's Center January 25, 2014.

 The Great Return of Our Lady of Boulogne (III) March 30 - Our Lady of Boulogne-sur-Mer (France, 636)
The first statue of the "Grand Return" of Our Lady Boulogne that left Lourdes in 1942 is in Martinique today.
This was the statue that was acclaimed in the stadium of Colombes, France on the night of June 29, 1946 by more than 100,000 people.
The second that among other journeys had crossed the Alps in 1946, returned to Boulogne in August 1948, where it is now exposed in the basilica dedicated to Our Lady and St Joseph.
The third, which went through eastern, northern and central France, was the origin of a great miracle at the time of the Liberation on Aug. 24, 1944.
But after returning to Boulogne, it disappeared.
The fourth journeyed along the French coast to Corsica on a fruitful and memorable pilgrimage during World War II. This is the statue that was used again between 1995 and 2000, in the prayer movement of the Pilgrim Virgins, which spread into 120 countries worldwide for the preparation of the Great Jubilee of the year 2000.
   After traveling through 52 dioceses, it finally arrived in the Holy Land for the 2,000th Christmass, thus completing her Great Return, while waiting to be venerated at the International Center "Mary of Nazareth," opened in 2009, across from the Basilica of the Annunciation, in the Holy Land. 
Holy Apostles Sosthenes, Apollos, Cephas, Caesar and Epaphroditus of the Seventy Paul converted him to Christianity
 117 St. Quirinus Roman tribune martyr jailer of Pope St. Alexander I
 130 SAINT RIEUL EVEQUE D'ARLES ET DE SENLIS conversion des infidèles et l'établissement de la religion
        cht'élirnne avec plusieurs excellents rnissionnaie'es pour aller en Espagne
 260 St. Regulus 1st bishop of Civitas Silvanectium Gaul companion of St. Denis
 304 St. Domninus Martyr with Victor, Achaicus, Palatinus, and Philocalus
 303 Saint Euboula, Mother of  Martyr Panteleimon (July 27) died peacefully before the martyrdom of her son.
       Constantinópoli commemorátio sanctórum plurimórum Mártyrum cathólicæ communiónis,
 462 St. Mamertinus monk abbot Bishop convert of St. Germanus
At Altino, in the neighbourhood of Venice, St. Theonestus, bishop and martyr, who was slain by the Arians.
5th v St. Clinius 5th v Benedictine abbot of Monte Cassino
4th or 6th century Regulus of Scotland Abbot (AC)
 550 St. Pastor Bishop of Orleans, France
 558 Saint John the Silent Bishop of the city of Colonia
6th v. St. Fergus Bishop of Downpatrick Ireland
 649 St. John Climacus Sinai Abbot his book The Climax or Ladder of Perfection; God bestowed upon St John an extraordinary grace of healing the spiritual disorders of souls.
 660 St. Zosimus  vision of Santa Lucia simple wise man monk abbot bishop of Syracuse famous for care of poor and his educational programs
 733 St. Tola Irish bishop in Meath aided the expansion of scholarly studies
 788 Patto of Werden abbot many miracles have been attributed OSB B (AC)
 863 SAINT VERON et sa soeur SAINTE VERONE existe toujours sous le nom de "puits saint Véron"
1016 1018 St. Osburga many miracles reported at Her shrine
1202 Blessed Joachim of Fiore Cistercian visionary prophet adopted ascetic early in life great piety and simplicity
1231 Blessed Dodo of Asch Hermit amazing austerities He possessed the gift of healing, and many sick persons
        recovered health at his hands (PC)
1236 Blessed Moricus order of the Cruciferi 5th recruit to join Francis (AC)
1456 St. Peter Regulatus noble family Franciscan reformer severe asceticism levitate ecstasies  SEE ALSO MAY 13
1472 Bl. Amadeus IX of Savoy victim of epilepsy known for his charity concern for the poor
1684 Saint Zacharie, évêque de Corinthe, Néomartyr grec
18th v. Saint Sophronius, Bishop of Irkutsk and Wonderworker of all Siberia
1890 St. Leonard Muraildo Priest Founder Congregation of St. Joseph. He was born in Turin, Italy, and was a leader in Catholic social work for social justice like Saints John Bosco Joseph Cafasso Joseph Cottolengo
1943 Blessed Maria Restituta Kafka devotion to socially poor; avid Nazis opponent sentenced to death by Borman
Commemoration of the Archangel Gabriel the Announcer
Commemoration of Samson, One of the Judges of Israel
Commemoration of the Transfer of the Relics of St. James, known as the Mangled

Quote: Pope Paul VI’s 1969 Instruction on the Contemplative Life includes this passage:
 "To withdraw into the desert is for Christians tantamount to associating themselves more intimately with Christ’s passion, and it enables them, in a very special way, to share in the paschal mystery and in the passage of Our Lord from this world to the heavenly homeland" (#1).
10th v. B.C. Holy Prophet Joad came from Samaria prophesied healer disobeyed command given him by the Lord
during the tenth century before Christ (See 1/3 Kings 13). The prophet was sent by the Lord from Judea to Bethel to denounce the Israelite king Jereboam for polluting his nation with idol worship.

The Lord commanded the prophet, "Eat no bread, and drink no water, and do not return by the way you came" (1/3 Kings 13:9). The prophet Joad appeared to King Jereboam and prophesied to him concerning the wrath of the Lord. When the king tried to gesture with his hand to seize the prophet, his hand suddenly withered. The king entreated the prophet to pray to the Lord that his hand would be healed. By Joad's prayer he received healing.

Deceived by the false prophet Emba of Bethel, Joad disobeyed the command given him by the Lord. The older man lied and told Joad that an angel had commanded him to bring him to his home and feed him. Because of his disobedience, the prophet Joad was killed by a lion. His body did not rest with his fathers, but was buried near the abode of the false prophet who led him astray.
The Meeting of the Most Holy Theotokos and Saint Elizabeth
The establishment of this Feast and the composition of the Service are the work of Archimandrite Antonin Kapustin (+ 1894), head of the Russian Orthodox Mission in Jerusalem.

The Gorneye Convent in Jerusalem, built on the site of the Meeting of the Theotokos and St Elizabeth, celebrates this Feast on March 30.
If March 30 should fall between Lazarus Saturday and Pascha, however, the Feast is transferred to Bright Friday.
Holy Apostles Sosthenes, Apollos, Cephas, Caesar and Epaphroditus of the Seventy Paul converted him to Christianity.

St Sosthenes was head of the Corinthian synagogue before his conversion. The Apostle Paul converted him to Christianity and made him his helper in his work. In addressing the Corinthian church, St Paul sent greetings from both of them: "Paul, by the will of God called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ, and brother Sosthenes..." (1 Cor.1:1). Afterwards, St Sosthenes was made bishop at Colophon (Asia Minor).
According to Tradition, St Cephas was Bishop of Iconium. No accounts of him have been preserved. It is assumed that he is the one who is mentioned by the Apostle Paul (1 Cor.15:5).
St Epaphroditus was Bishop of Adrianium (Italy). He was also a companion of St Paul who sent him to the Christians of Philippi. St Paul speaks about his hard work in the vineyard of Christ: "I thought it necesary to send you Epaphroditus, my brother and coworker and fellow soldier, your messenger and minister to my needs... he was sick and near to death; but God had mercy on him, and not only him but also on me, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow... Receive him in the Lord with all joy; and honor such men, for he almost died for the work of Christ, risking his life to complete your lack of service to me" (Phil 2: 25-30).

These holy apostles are also commemorated on December 8 and the Synaxis of the Seventy Apostles on January 4.
117 St. Quirinus Roman tribune martyr jailer of Pope St. Alexander I
 Romæ, via Appia, pássio beáti Quiríni Tribúni, patris sanctæ Balbínæ Vírginis, qui a beáto Alexándro Papa, quem habébat in custódia, cum omni domo sua baptizátus est; atque, sub Hadriáno Imperatóre, cum esset tráditus Aureliáno Júdici, et in fídei confessióne persísteret, invíctus Christi miles, post linguæ abscissiónem, equúlei suspensiónem, manuúmque ac pedum detruncatiónem, martyrii agónem gládio consummávit.
    At Rome, on the Appian Way, the martyrdom of the tribune blessed Quirinus, who had been baptized with all his household by Pope St. Alexander when he was imprisoned in their house.  Under Emperor Adrian, he was delivered to the judge Aurelian, and because he persevered in the confession of faith, his tongue was torn out, he was stretched on the rack, his hands and feet were cut off, and the sword completed his course of martyrdom.

invoked against earache, epilepsy, foot and bone troubles, fistula, gout, and lameness
According to the legendary Acts of Sts. Alexander and St Balbina, he was reportedly the jailer of Pope St. Alexander I, being converted with his daughter, St. Balbina.
Quirinus was buried in the Catacomb of Praetextatus on the Via Appia, and his name was listed in the Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as well as the Itineraries to the graves of the Roman martyrs. His relics were given by Pope Leo IX to his sister Gepa, abbess of Neuss in 1050 and were placed in the Church of St. Quirinus in Neuss.

Quirinus the Jailer M (RM)(also known as Cirino) Conversion is possible! Saint Quirinus was jailer to Pope Saint Alexander I, who led both he and his daughter Balbina to the faith. Shortly after his baptism, Quirinus was martyred under Hadrian.

The story is an integral part of what is described as "the Romance called the Passion of Saint Alexander (Benedictines).
The story of Quirinus is a perfect ploy for art. He is generally depicted as a knight with a device of balls on a shield or pennant. At times he may be shown (1) with a lamb and hog at his feet; (2) with a horse and hawk near him; (3) with his tongue cut out and thrown to a hawk; or (4) hacked to pieces, his limbs being thrown to the dogs. He is highly venerated in Germany, Switzerland, and Bardia a Settimo in Tuscany, Italy. Saint Quirinus is invoked against earache, epilepsy, foot and bone troubles, fistula, gout, and lameness (Roeder).

Qurinus von Neuss Katholische Kirche: 30. März und 30. April (Köln translatio)
Das römische Martyrologium berichtet, ein Tribun Quirinius sei mit seiner Tochter Balbina von Papst Alexander getauft und unter Kaiser Hadrian (um 130) hingerichtet worden. Mit anderen Märtyrern wurde er in der Praetextatuskatakombe bestattet. Seine Gebeine wurden (um 1000 ?) in das Benediktinerinnenstift in Neuß übertragen. Quirinus ist einer der vier Marschälle und Patron der Stadt Neuss
130 SAINT RIEUL EVEQUE D'ARLES ET DE SENLIS conversion des infidèles et l'établissement de la religion cht'élirnne avec plusieurs excellents rnissionnaie'es pour aller en Espagne
Episcope / Presbytre de Rome : saint Télesphore - Empereur : Adrien

Et voici les signes qui accompagneront ceux qui auront cru: en mon nom ils chasseront les démons, ils parleront en langues nouvelles, ils saisiront des serpents, et s'ils boivent quelque poison mortel, il ne leur fera pas de mal; ils imposeront les mains aux infirmes et ceux-ci seront guéris." Marc 16,17-18

Nous ne pouvons commencer la vie de ce saint Evêque, sans déplorer un grand incendie arrivé à Senlis, dans le ix' siècle, lequel, eta consumant l'église cathédrale et ses archives, nous a ravi les principaux mémoires d'où nous aurions pu apprendre ses plus belles actions. Cependant, ce qui nous doit consoler, c'est que, peu de temps après, quelques pcrsonnes zélées peur son honneur, et voulant suppléer à une si grande perte, firent une diligente recherche de toutes les chartes et pièces authentiques qui se purent trouver en d'autres endroits touchant sa naissance, sa conversion, sa mission, son épiscopat et les autres circonstances de sa vie, et, sur ces actes, ont composé toute sou hiatoire, qui est venue jusqu'à nous. On la retrouve dans Vincent de Beauvais, dans saint Antonin et dans les continuateurs de Bollandus t nous en tirerons l'abrégé que uous allons insérer dans ce recueil.
Saint Rieul était Originaire d'Argos, ville de Grèce, et d'une famille très considérable. Etant en age de choisir un état, il entendit parler des merveilles que faisait, à Ephèse, le disciple bien-aimé de Jésus, saint Jean
1. Vair eu 18 usas.

DjUsss n'ISUM, MI~a~ I'Evangéliste; il l'y alla trouver, et fut tellement ravi de sa sainteté et de sa doctrine, qu'il renonça à l'idolâtrie, dont il avait fait profession jusqu'alors, embrassa le chriotianianse, reçut (le lui le saint baptême, et, oyant fait un tour en son pays, pour y djstribucr aux pauvres des biens immenses qu'il avait hérités de ses parents, s'attacha ensuite inviolablement à sa personne, pour l'aider (Ions la conversion des infidèles et l'établissement de la religion cht'élirnne. Le saint apôtre, admirant de plus en plus ta vertu de ce généreux néophyte, lui donna rang dans l'Eglise (il y a apparence qu'il le fit
 -prêtre) et l'honora de sa plus grande familiarité. Mais la persécution arracha bientôt le maître au disciple; car l'empereur Domitien, qui avait succédé à Tite, son frère, ayant été itsl'ornaé des fruits merveilleux que saint Jean produisuit dans Ephèse contre le culte des faux dieux, se le Pst amener à Rome, et, après l'avoir fait plonger dans une chaudière d'huile bouitiante, le relégua dans l'île de Pathmos.
Saint Rieul demeura encore quelque temps à Ephèse, pour soutenir et -confirmer les catholiqoes; mais il apprit que saint Denis l'Aréopagite était
passé à Rome, avec le dessein d'aller porter la foi dans les pays ou elle n'avait pas encore été portée; animé du même zèle et du même désir du salut des infidèles, il le suivit; et, comme il avait un désir extrême de la conversion des Gaules, dont les d'ronlières, du côté de l'Italie et de l'Espagne, avaient seules reçu l'Evangile, Denis composa une sainte colonie de plusieurs hommes apostoliqoes pour cette grande expédition. Saint Demis, que sa hante érudition, sa sagesse ton-te céleste et sa dignité d'évêque d'Athènes rendaient très-considérable, en fut déclaré le chei'; on lui donna Rustique pour diacre et Eleuthère pour sous-diacre, et on lui joignit, pour ses collègues et ses coopérateurs, notre saint Rieul, avec Lucien, Eugène et plusieurs autres, dont nous aurons occasion de parler dans la suite de ce recueil.
tin des historiens de saint Ptienl le conduit tout d'un coup à Paris et à Senlis; mais les autres, quo l'ancienne tradition des églises de Provence autorise extrêmement, nous apprennent que cette illustre colonie vint d'abord à Arles où il y avait déjà plusieurs chrétiens que saint Trophime avait convertis et baptisés, en ayant été fait évêque par saint Paul, lorsqu'il y passa avec plusieurs excellents rnissionnaie'es pour aller en Espagne. Nos saints prédicateurs furent donc reçus de cette sainte société comme des Anges venus du oiel, et ils en accrurent bientôt le nombre par la force de leurs sermons, de leurs remontrances et de leurs miracles. Saint Denis renversa même, par la seule invocation du nom de Jésus-Christ, la célèbre idole de Mars, quo le peuple adov'ait; et s'étant, par ce moyen, rendu maître du temple, il le pnrifia et te consacra au vrai Dieu en l'honneur des bienheureux apôta'es saint Pierre et saint Paul, et fît taise un baptistère pour la régénération de ceux qui se convertiraient. Il n'eût pas été à propos d'abandonner cette église naissante, ni la riche moisson que l'on y pouvait espérer dans la suite; c'est pourquoi le même saint Denis, ayant envoyé quelques-uns de ses autres collègues en diverses provinces des Gaules, consacra saint fioul évêque, et le laissa à Arles ; lui, qui était destiné à Paris, poursuivit son chemin et vint y apporter la précieuse semence de l'Evangile.
Notre nouvel Evêque travailla avec un courage infatigable à défricher le champ qui lui avait été désigné, et il le fit avec tant de succès, qu'il se vit, en peu de temps, à la tête d'une église nombretlse et dont la piété répandait la
bonne odeur de Jésus-Christ dans tout le pays. Cependant, le bienheureux Aréopagite et ses deux compagnons ayant été martyrisés à Paris, Rieul en fut averti le même jour d'une manière tout à fait surnaturelle; il célébrait les divins mystères devant tout le peuple. Après avoir récité, dans le canon, les noms de saint Pierre et de saint Péul, il ajouta, sans y penser, ceux de ces nouveaux martyrs, disant: e Et des bienheureux martyrs Bonis, Rustique et Eleuthère si, et il vit sur l'autel trois colombes, qui portaient ces noms sacrés imprimés en couleur de sang sur la poitrine. Il communiqua, après la messe, sa vision aux principaux de son clergé, et, ayant commis à un évêque, nommé Félicissime, la charge de l'église d'Arles, il partit aussitôt pour venir chercher leurs reliques à Paris.
Y étant arrivé, sur les avis qu'on lui donna, il alla au village de Châtou et y rencontra heureusement une dame nommée Catulle; c'était celle qui avait enlevé les corps des martyrs et les avait on-terrés secrètement. Comme il se fit connaître à elle, elle lui déclara toute l'histoire de leur martyre et le mena au lieu où elle les avait ensevelis. Ce fut là que saint fioul, abandonnant son coeur à la douleur, répandit un torrent de larmes; mais il ne pleurait pas tant le supplice de son maître et do ses compagnons, que son propre malheur de ce qu'il n'avait pas eu part à leur triomphe. Il célébra au même lieu le divin sacrifice à leur honneur, et grava sur une pierre le récit de ce qui s'était passé dans le cours de leurs combats. Cependant la pieuse Catulle, désirant être plus parfaitement instruite qu'elle ne l'était des mystères de notre religion, supplia son saint hôte de ne pas sortir sitôt do son logis, puisque, d'ailleurs, la persécution contre les chrétiens n'étant pas encore apaisée, il ne pouvait se produire sans s'exposer inutilement à la mort. Mais trois j ours après, le président Fescenninus s'en étant allé sur la nouvelle de la mort de l'empereur Ilomitien, elle put faire bâtir une chapello do bois autour des tombeaux des saints martyrs, ut salut Bleui la consacra sous leur nom. C'est la chapelle que sainte Geneviève de Paris fit, depuis, rebâtir en pierre, comme nous l'avutss déjà marqué dans sa vie.
Après avoir tait renaître le courage dans le coeur des fidèles de Paris, dis~ persés par la tempête, et avoir mis à leur tête le prêtre Malon qu'il sacra évêque, saint Rieul se sentant appelé plus loin, prit le chemin de Sonlis, et-, passant â Louvres, à six lieues de Paris, il y trouva des paysans qui adoraient l'idole de Mercure. Leur aveugiement lui donna beaucoup de compassion; il fit le signe de la croix sur cette idole, la toucha de son bâton, prononça le saint nom de Jésus, et, en même temps, l'idole tomba par terre et fut réduite en poussière. De là il prit sujet d'instruire ces paysans et de leur faire voir quo c'était à tort qu'ils rendaient à une créature inanimée, ou à un démon qui s'y montrait, le culte souverain qui n'est dû qlo'au seul Dieu créateur du ciel et do la terre; et sa parole fut si puissante, qu'elle convertit ces pauvres gens et les porta à demander le saint Baptême. ils bâtirent même une chapelle que saint Rieul dédia depuis, et l'on croit que c'est encore celle que l'on voit auprès de la paroisse; quoiqu'on ne puisse douter que, depuis tant de siècles, il ne Fait fallu réparer plusieurs fois. Elle porte le nom de la sainte Vierge.
Cet heureux succès donna à saint fioul le courage d'entreprendre la conversion des habitants de Senlis, Il y fut invité par une dame ayant son fils possédé d'un démon furieux, qui le supplia avec beaucoup de larmes de l'en venir délivrer. Ce fut le premier miracle qu'il fit dans cette ville. Ensuite, les portes de la prison s'étant ouvertes à son commandement, et les chalnes des prisonniers s'étant rompues, il les tira de ce lieu de misère et
leur donna la liberté ; ces actions, qui se firent en présence de tout le peuple, turent cause quo plusieurs reconnurent la vérité de notre sainte foi, et prièrent le Saint de les baptiser. Le président Quintilien, en étant aver-ti, commanda aux prêtres des idoles de disposer, pour le lendemain, un grand sacrifice, dans le dessein d'obliger Rieul de s'y trouver et d'offrir comme les autres de l'encens aux faux dieux, ou, s'il refusait de le faire, do l'immoler lui-même par de cruels supplices; mais saint Deuis et ses compagnons, lui apparaissant la nuit, le dissuadèrent d'une résolution si injuste et l'averti-rosit que, s'il voulait être sauvé, il fallait nécessairement qu'il embrassât la religion que prêchait ce nouveau docteur. Le lendemain, il communiqua sa vision à sa femme, qui, bien loin d'éteindre ces premières étincelles de conversion, les alluma au contraire et les fortifia beaucoup par ses discours, ayant déjà elle-même reçu quelque teinture de la foi par le moyen de ceux qui avaient assisté aux prédications de saint T)enis.
Cependant Rieul se rendit de grand matin au temple, bâti dans l'enceinte des murs de la ville. C'était un édifice somptueux et magnifique où il y avait toutes sortes d'idoles et de figures des divinités païennes. Mais à son arrivée, et aussitôt qu'il eut prononcé le 'nosn adorable de Jésus, toutes ces figures tombèrent par terre et turent brisées. Cet accident mit le trouble et la consternation parmi les sacrificateurs : mais durant leur agitation, le Sain-t, animé du zèle et dc la gloire dc son Dieu, se mit à prêcher publiquement la fausseté du paganisme et la vérité de l'Evangile ; et il le fit avec tant d'ardeur et de force, qu'il n'y eut presque personne des assistants qui ne se rendit à ses raisons. Le président arriva là-dessus avec sa femme et toute sa famille, et témoigna qu'il voulait être chrétien : ce qui acheva de gagner les principaux habitants qnc la crainte d'un homme si terrible pouvait beaucoup empêcher de se dérlarer. Les sacrificateurs mêmes ne purent résister à une démonstration si évidente de leur erreur; aussi, après un jeôno de trois jours, et après que le temple eut été purifié et dédié en l'honneur de la sainte Vierge (c'est encore aujourd'hui la cathédrale où est la chapelle et la célèbre imago do Notre-Dame des Miracle's), il se lit un baptême solennel d'un nombre presque infini de personnes de toutes sortes de sexes, d'âges, d'états et de conditions. Saint lticul fit disposer aussi un cimetière à la porte de la ville, pour la sépulture des fidèles, et y fit construire une église sons les noms de Saint-Pierre et de Saint-Paul. Cette église et ce cimetière portent à présent son nom, et on l'a donné aussi à une fontaine qui est du côté de Corrspiêgne, parce que ce fut lui qui la fit sourdre miraculeusement, après avoir prêché le peuple en pleine campagne.
Voilà quels turent les prémices de la conversion du pays de Senlis. Dieu en augmenta les progrès par de grands miracles, que le Saint opéra en diverses rencontres; car son histoire nous apprend qu'il rendit la vue à des aveugles, l'ouïe à des sourds, l'usage des pieds à des boiteux et la santé à plusieurs malades. Mais on peut dire que le plus grand de ses miracles était sa vie toute céleste et angélique. Il avait une humilité très-profonde, qu'il appuyait sur ces paroles du Fils de Dieu, dont il no perdait jamais le souvenir : e Tons ceux qui s'abaisseront seront élevés, et tous ceux qui s'élèveront seront abaissés s. Son zèle pour la gloire de Dieu n'avait point de bornes, et il n'y avait rien qu'il n'entreprît et qu'il ne tût prêt à souffrir pour Fétendre et pour raugmenter de tous côtés. Sa charité était immense, et elle se répandait sur toutes sortes de malheureux. Nulle adversité n'était capable de l'abattre. Nulle prospérité et nul bon succès n'étaient capables d'enfler son coeur. Sa modestie, jointe â un port majestueux et à une vénérable vieil-
 lesse, imprimait un si grand respec-t dans l'esprit de tous ceux qui le regardaient, qu'ils ne pouvaient s'empêcher do l'aimer et de l'honorer. Tous les auteurs de sa vie rapportent que le clergé et le peuple de Beauvais l'envoyèrent supplier de venir sacrer évêque leur apôtre, saint Lucien, qui était aussi un des missionnaires compagnons do saint Denis ; mais durant le voyage de leurs députés à Sentis, ce saint apôtre tut mis à mort pour la foi de Jésus-Christ, sans avoir reçu de lui l'imposition des m-ains. Si cela est, il faut dire que saint Lucien n'est appelé premier évêque de Beauvais, quo parce qu'il était élu, nommé et désigné évêque, et, qu'étant envoyé par saint Clément et saint Denis, il avait toute la juridiction épiscopale, comme les ecclésiastiques nommés à un évêché et institués par le Pape l'ont avant leur sacre. Quoi qu'il en soit, les auteurs ajoutent que la nouvelle de cet illustre martyre, qui tut apportée à sain-t Ricul à son départ, no l'empêcha pas de continuer son voyage; dans tous les villages qu'il rencontra sur sa route, il prêcba Jésus-Christ avec un merveilleux succès. Non loin de Senlis, il guérit un aveugle, et, en mémoire de ce miracle, on bâtit au même lien une chapelle, dont on voit encore les vestiges au village de Rully. Prêchant en pleine campagne, couiuie le bruit des grenouilles empêchait qu'on ne l'entendit, il leur défendit à toutes, excepté à une, de croasser tant que durerait son discours, et aussi tôt il fut obéi, et il se servit avantageusement de l'obéissance de ces animaux sans raison, pour porter ses auditeurs à obéir au vrai Dieu. A Bronouille, où il rendit la vue à un aveugle, on éleva une église qui, plus tard, fut placée sous son patronage. A ~anneville, il éleva un oratoire qu'il dédia à saint Lucien de Beauvais. Enfin, après avoir admirablement consolé et fortifié le peuple de Beauvais par sa présence, il retourna à sa première église.
il employa le reste de sa vie à cultiver par ses visites, ses exhortations et ses exemples, la vigne dont il avait la charge. Enfin, ce qui est admirable en un temps où le martyre était presque inséparable de l'épiscopat, il snourut en paix au milieu de son peuple, l'an 130, sous l'emperêur Adrien, après avoir travaillé près de 40 ans à ces différentes missions. Son corps fut enterré dans l'église de Saint-Pierre et de Saint-Paul, 'qui a pris depuis son nom, comme nous l'avons dit; et il a fait, dans la suite des siècles, un grand nombre de miracles. Ses historiens sont obligés d'en omettre la plus grande partie, parce que l'incendie arrivé daus l'église cathédrale do Sonlis en a fait perdre les actes; mais ils en rapportent quelques-uns tort considérables, et qui font voir les grands mérites et le pouvoir extraordinaire de ce saint Evôque.
On représente saint Rieul avec un âne couché à ses pieds : voici le sens de cette représentation qui, du reste, se trouve rarement dans les oeuvres des artistes: Rieul ayant délivré un possédé à Sentis, le diable chassé par l'exorcisme, témoigna le désir d'entrer dans le corps de l'âne, qui servait de monture au saint Evêque. C'était sans doute une compensation, comme celle des démons qui, d'après l'Evangile, demandèrent à pouvoir habiter le corps des pourceaux. Mais, dit la légende, l'âne, en bête bien apprise, fit un signe de croix avec son pied sur la terre, et le diable fut réduit à se pourvoir ailleurs. - On voit encore un cerf et une biche sur les anciennes peintures représentant saint Rient, sans doute pour rappeler le miracle de ces animaux, allant s'agenouiller devant son tombeau, au milieu de la foule, le jour de sa fête. Mais il y a peut-être à cela une explication plus allégorique. Ne serait-ce pas la représentation pour ainsi dire hiéroglyphique de la conversion du pays de Senlis, dont les habitants s'appelaient habitants des bois,
 '~/Lrooeetrsses? - II va sans dire que les grenouilles, dont la voix se tut à l'ordre du saint Rieul, ont figuré dans ses images. Les habitants de ltully où s'opéra ce miracle, et dont le nom latin Reguliacos, vient de lingulus (itieul), n'ont pas manqué de faire représenter dos grenouilles sur le tableau de la chapelle de saint Bleui, leur apôtre.


Clovis, notre premier roi chrétien, étant venu à son tonubeau pour y faire sa prière, en 5t deconorir les précieuses reliques ; et, après leur avoir rende beaucoup de respect, il pria leu évè- ques de lui eu donner quelques eosemeuto Lei prélats n'eoèreul dé,uembror un corps et vénérable; nais ils ne pnrent refuser an roi nnu dent du saint Evèqne. Lorsqu'ils l'arrachèrent dc la mâchoire, il en coula na ruieeeau do sang; ce qui remplit encore leu aeeiatautu d'nue pieu grande révéreace. Clone la reçut avec beaucoup de dévotion, et l'emperla avec une joie extrême ; nais, lorsqu'il vonlat reatrer dans la ville, ni mi, ni ara efûciaro n'en purent janaio trouver l'entrée eeeeuuaissant sa faute, il reporta la relique au lien où il l'avait prias ; et, peur témoigner davantage sa piété envers catit Rieul, il lit reh,ltir fert sompineussuont l'église où il était enterré, et la deta de quelques fends de terre; il lui fit faire aussi un sépulcre d'or, où il y avait tocs les ans, as jour de ea fète, na concours infini de peuplo et de pèlerins; et ce qui est uuerveilleua, les nerfs mènes et les biel,es avec leurs faons, se mélaient suai crainte parmi le menée, nomme peur faire paraitre lette jsie dans cette solennité publique,
Un habitant de SeuIls s'étant consacré par voeu nu servies de cette église, changea, quelques aunées après, de réeslulina, et e'adnana aux supleis lient à fait eéeeliars ; maie il fat puai de sa transgression par une cécité subite, et n'en put étre guéri que par beaucoup de prières et de larmes, et eu repreuaut les fourliese nacrées auxquelles il étau engagé par sa pranesse. Du pauvre eulropié doc eneirsue d'Auxerrs es fit sppsrter au teurbeau de Saiut, et il y trouva une guèriesa si parfaite, que, après ètre eutré dans l'église pâr le secoure d'autrui, il eu sortit eu saulaut, et s'en retourna à pied, plein de feras et de vigueur, eu sou paye. Il es arnica de mène à nu boiteux du pays de Gêtinale, et à une paucre fille de Scolie, qui élail ni percluse de tous ses uembi'es, qu'elle ne peuvait aller qu'eu les tramant urisér'ahleeaeut centre la terre. èleio la geérisea lu plus illustre fut celle de la fille du roi et empereur' Llrarles le LIonne, nommée Hertueugarde elle fut délivrée d'une lièvre qui la réduisit à l'sxliéuulé, aeasilôt qu'elle eut fait oes déestioue et communié à Pautel de ce saiut népulere ; le roi et la relue fireut de grands présents à cette mème église.
Les habituais de Ssulia nat eeuveut rcaaeuti leu effets de la protection de leur bien-aimé Apôtre ; aussi, dans tee circonstances critiques, se sent-ils tsujeuee empressée de réclamer sou appui en portait alors sen reliques dans les rues de la crile anse rias gi'uude selesuilé. I.e 23 avril ou le dimanche qui eu eut le plus proche, salut Rient 'croit encore de nos ieuru (1572) leu homntsageu d'ens faule de pèlsriun eu mécistre d'uue aneteuna translation de sen reliques. Deux fèces destinées à rappeler sou miracles se célébraient autrefois le 7 février et le 43 juillet. Plusieurs chapelles lui ont été dédiées daua lu vainie, où non culte a lenjotrrs été très-répandu.
voilà ce qua les auteurs que uses avoue cités nous apprennent de salut nient. iSsus savons que plusieurs savants de ceu derniers temps ne tombent pas d'accord sur te temps de ce mission; les uuu us la mettent que sous l'empirs de Dàee, et les autree sens relut de Dioclétien. iltaiu aces u'aenus jamais pu entrer daae le sentiment de ces autenre, quel veulent que les évêques romains et les hommes apaetoliqueu atout tellement négligé les Gaules, qu'ils aieut été deux nu trois cents une anus y envoyer de mieuieuuairss, taudis que t'Evangile était porté citez leu Scythes, les Indienu et les Prachmauee. Et d'aillesrs, comme su des auteure que neus avens ueivio, et qui vivait apparemmaut il y u près de huit cents nus, nssure qu'il e tiré ce qu'il dit de plusieurs nh~rtes très-anciennes, nous avons cru que uone pouvions nous y arrèler sens eraiute d'erreur.
Qnelquss-unss de ses reliques, conservées à la cathédrale d'Amiens, ferent sauvées en 1793 par M. Lceoeeé, maies de cette ville, gardées jusqu'en 5802 par M. Lejeune, curé consiitutinnuel de Notre-Dame, et vérifiées eu 5558 et cii ts2tt. Eqes se tenuvert aujserd'hui cenrendues avec d'autres reliques dase la rhésse dits de saint Honoré.

Lupintun qut futt venir saint itinct dan, tee ceulea vers tri Su 't~ mur sOcle, est arunyde uni' te tradt- itou esusmunts an u'Cetiuu du 5eutis, cc eauuemnéc r 5' par truie ries sic urdut ROui quI remeeiene au un' siècle r e' pse tunciesue liturgie rue scrute r 3' rrLr tes hmurgies eaurormeu du i'rrl,l'rryu de ssiet-neuiu et de redise d'Arles; 4' par tes diptyques de cet évêehd - Nuuu nous esrnluu'rz bsrnC tu ruvurr cuise bio­graphie, rumnpserie pse te POre Ciry, qui indhruu. au rtéUst, 5es suuruua nu ii ri uusiad, et uuus russes somptdtéu seau i'Bu~iugruphie du drocéae d'Âruterra, par au. n'utbe curule,,
ST RIEUL is the patron of the city and diocese of Senlis, of which he is said to have been the first bishop. He probably lived in the third century, as he is spoken of as having been the contemporary of other saints who are known to have flourished at that period. The cathedral of Senlis was burnt, and with it perished all its archives, including the ancient records of the early bishops. According to his quite apocryphal acts, St Rieul was converted by St John the Evangelist and accompanied St Dionysius the Areopagite (Denis) to France, where, as bishop of Arles, he shepherded the Christian colony founded by St Trophimus. He subsequently went to Paris in search of the relics of the martyrs St Denis, St Rusticus and St Eleutherius, and then undertook the conversion of the people of Senlis. Possibly there were two bishops of the name of Rieul—one of Arles and the other of Senlis—and their history has been confused; but in any case the connection with St John the Evangelist is certainly a fiction.

See the Acta Sanctorum, March, vol. iii; BHL., nn. 7106—7109; Duchesne, Fastes Épiscopaux, vol. iii, pp. 117 and 147.

< 303 Saint Euboula, Mother of the Great Martyr Panteleimon (July 27), died peacefully before the martyrdom of her son.

260 St. Regulus 1st bishop of Civitas Silvanectium Gaul companion of St. Denis
 In castro Silvanecténsi, in Gállia, deposítio sancti Réguli, Arelaténsis Epíscopi.
       At Senlis in France, the death of St. Regulus, bishop of Arles.
he is also called Rieul and Rule. According to custom, he was of Greek descent and one of the companions of St. Denis.
He is patron of Senlis. 

304 St. Domninus Martyr with Victor, Achaicus, Palatinus, and Philocalus
Thessalonícæ natális sanctórum Mártyrum Domníni, Victóris et Sociórum.
       At Thessalonica, the birthday of the holy martyrs Domninus, Victor, and their companions.
He is identified with St. Domninus. Ten martyrs died at Thessalonica, Greece.

Domninus, Victor & Comps. MM (RM) Died c. 304. Domninus, Philocalus, Achaicus, and Palotinus suffered martyrdom at Thessalonica under Maximian Herculius. Domninus is identical to the Saint Domninus honored on October 1, the date on which he is venerated by the Greeks. Saint Victor and about ten others were martyred elsewhere (Benedictines).
Ægéæ, in Cilícia, pássio sanctórum Zenóbii Epíscopi, et Zenóbiæ soróris, sub Diocletiáno Imperatóre et Lysia Præside.
    At Aegea in Cilicia, in the reign of Diocletian, under the governor Lysias, the martyrdom of Saints Zenobius, bishop, and his sister Zenobia.

Constantinópoli commemorátio sanctórum plurimórum Mártyrum cathólicæ communiónis, quos, Constántii témpore, Macedónius hæresiárcha, inaudítis tormentórum genéribus cruciátos, occídit; nam, inter cétera, fidélium mulíerum úbera inter compréssa arcárum labra dissécuit, et candénti ferro combússit.
At Constantinople, in the time of Constantius, the commemoration of many holy martyrs of the Catholic communion, whom the heresiarch Macedonius put to death by unheard-of kinds of torments.  Among other tortures, they were burned with red-hot irons, and the breasts of Christian women were cut away between the lids of coffers.
4th or 6th century Regulus of Scotland Abbot (AC)
(also known as Riaghail or Rule of Saint Andrews)

                ST, REGULUS, OR RIEUL,
  Who having converted the country of Senlis to the faith, about the same time that St. Dionysius preached in France, was made first bishop of Senlis and died in peace in the midst of his flock.  See the Bollandists and Tillem. t. 4, p. 719.

Attwater2 gives his feast as October 17. The real story of Saint Regulus is uncertain. There was no vita before the 9th century. Some it seems confuse this abbot with a mythical Greek, also named Regulus, who is said to have brought relics of Saint Andrew to Rigmond, Scotland, thus founding Saint Andrews.
The legend relates that Saint Regulus was born in Patras and led by a dream to take some of the relics in his care to an unknown destination to which an angel would lead him. He followed the angel to Fife, where he built a church to house the relics of Saint Andrew. (The rest of the relics were taken to Constantinople.)

In fact, the relics were acquired by a Pictish king, who founded the city, in 736; the abbot at that time was the Irish Tuathal. Regulus is the patron of Kylrewni and is commemorated in the Aberdeen Breviary.

He is also confused with the Gaelic Saint Rieul (Attwater, Benedictines, Farmer, Montague).

5th v St. Clinius Benedictine abbot of Monte Cassino
 Apud Aquínum sancti Clínii Confessóris.       At Aquino, St. Clinius confessor.
Italy, he was a Greek by birth. He was also named superior of St. Peter’s near Pontecorvo: relics are venerated there.

Clinius of Pontecorvo, OSB Abbot (RM) 5th century (?). Greek monk of the Benedictine abbey of Monte Cassino. He was the superior of the daughter-house of Santo- Pietro-della-Foresta, near Pontecorvo, where he is venerated as patron (Benedictines, Encyclopedia).

Altíni, in Venetórum fínibus, sancti Theonésti, Epíscopi et Mártyris, qui ab Ariánis occísus est.
    At Altino, in the neighbourhood of Venice, St. Theonestus, bishop and martyr, who was slain by the Arians.

462 St. Mamertinus monk abbot Bishop convert of St. Germanus
He also served as abbot of Sts. Damien and Cosmas monastery at Auxerre, France.

Mamertinus of Auxerre, Abbot (AC) Died c. 462. Saint Mamertinus was a convert of Saint Germanus. He became a monk, and later abbot, of the monastery of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Auxerre, France (Benedictines). In art, he is depicted lying in a cave surrounded by serpents or exhorting monks, lying on a mat in his cell before his death (Roeder).

Mamertin naquit dans le paganisme aux environs d'Auxerre. Affligé d'une douleur à l'un de ses yeux et d'une tumeur à la main, il s'adressait à ses dieux pour être guéri de cette double infirmité. Un jour qu'il se rendait au temple plus triste qu'à l'ordinaire, il rencontra un clerc de l'Église d'Auxerre nommé Savin qui lui demanda la cause de sa tristesse et de sa démarche. Quand Mamertin lui eut tout expliqué, le clerc lui dit  "Que n'allez-vous trouver l'évêque Germain? Il vous guérira si vous voulez renoncer à l'idolâtrie?"  Mamertin réfléchit à cette parole; sentant renaître en lui la confiance, il passa toute la nuit dans l'oratoire de Saint-Corcodème il y eut une vision qui acheva de le convertir.
Le lendemain, il se présentait au saint évêque qui, favorisé d'une vision analogue, connaissait le changement intérieur réalisé en Mamertin. Il lui donna le baptême et en même temps lui rendit l'usage de ses membres. Le nouveau baptisé pour en témoigner toute sa reconnaissance se consacra à Dieu sous la conduite de l'abbé Aloge, dans le monastère que Germain avait fait construire hors de la ville. Il progressa dans la science et dans la vertu et succéda au pieux Aloge comme abbé. Ce fut lui qui reçut Marien, venu du Berry (y. 20 avril). Ce disciple devait un jour lui succéder, et donner plus tard son nom au monastère.
Mamertin écrivit lui-même le récit de sa conversion, peut-être par l'ordre de saint Germain. Il mourut un vendredi saint, le 30 mars 462. Les anciens martyrologes ont mis son nom au 20 avril pour le joindre sans doute à celui de Marien.
Bibl. - Acta sanctorum, april. t. 2, p. 758. - Hist. littér. de la France, t. 2, p. 367. - Tillemont, Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire ecclésiastique, t. 15, p. 26.

550 St. Pastor Bishop of Orleans, France.
 Auréliæ, in Gállia, sancti Pastóris Epíscopi.       At Orleans in France, Bishop St. Pastor.. There is no documentation concerning him.
Pastor of Orléans B (RM) 
Although Saint Pastor was bishop of Orléans, his name does not appear in the ancient lists (Benedictines).
558 Saint John the Silent Bishop of the city of Colonia.
A model of a good Christian life for his flock. Persecuted by the governor, he was deprived of the archbishop's cathedra and went to the monastery of St Sava the Sanctified, where he was glorified in ascetic deeds of silence, prayer, and desert-dwelling.
The monk died at age 104 (+ 558). See also December 3.
St. Fergus Bishop of Downpatrick Ireland 6th century
He may be identified with St. Fergus of Scotland.

Fergus of Downpatrick B (AC) (also known as Fergustus, Ferguisius)
6th century. Not much is known with certainly about this bishop of Downpatrick, Ireland. He may be identical to Saint Fergus of Scotland (Benedictines).

649 St. John Climacus Abbot of Sinai, so called “Climacus” from the title of his famous book, The Climax, or The Ladder of Perfection; miracles God bestowed upon St John an extraordinary grace of healing the spiritual disorders of souls.
 In monte Sina sancti Joánnis Clímaci Abbátis.
      On Mount Sinai, Abbot St. John Climacus.
also known as John Scholasticus.

                              A. D. 605.
  Sr. John, generally distinguished by the appellation of Climacus, from his excellent book entitled Climax, or the Ladder to Perfection, was born about the year 525, probably in Palestine.   By his extraordinary progress in the arts and sciences, he obtained very young the surname of the Scholastic.  But at sixteen years of age he renounced all the advantages which the world promised him, to dedicate himself to God in a religious state, in 547.  He retired to Mount Sinai, which, from the time of the disciples of St. Antony and St. Hilarion, had been always peopled by holy men, who, in imitation of Moses, when he received the law on that mountain, lived in the perpetual contemplation of heavenly things.
   Our novice, fearing the danger of dissipation and relaxation, to which numerous communities are generally more exposed than others, chose not to live in the great monastery on the summit, but in a hermitage on the descent of the mountain, under the discipline of Martyrius, a holy ancient anchoret.   By silence, he curbed the insolent itch of talking about everything, and ordinary vice at learned men, but usually a mark of pride and self-sufficiency.    By perfect humility and obedience, he banished the dangerous desire of self-complacency in his actions.   He never contradicted, never disputed with any one.   So perfect was his submission, that he seemed to have no self-will. He undertook to sail through the deep sea of this mortal life securely, under the direction of a prudent guide, and shunned those rocks which he could not have escaped, had he presumed to steer alone, as he tells us.  From the visible mountain he raised his heart, without interruption, in all his actions, to God, who is invisible ; and, attentive to all the motions of his grace, studied only to do his will.   Four years he spent in the trial of his own strength, and in learning the obligations of his state, before he made his religious profession, which was in the twentieth year of his age. In his writings, he severely condemns engagements made by persons too young, or before a sufficient probation.

By fervent prayer and fasting he prepared himself for the solemn consecration of himself to God, that the most intense fervor might make his holocaust the more perfect: and from that moment he seemed to be renewed in spirit; and his master admired the strides with which, like a mighty giant, the young disciple advanced, daily more and more, towards God by self-denial, obedience, humility, and the uninterrupted exercises of divine love and prayer.

 In the year 560, and the thirty-fifth of his age, he lost Martyrius by death, having then spent nineteen years in that place in penance and holy contemplation. By the advice of a prudent director, he then embraced an eremitical life in a plain called Thole, near the foot of Mount Sinai. His cell was five miles from the church, probably the same which had been built a little before, by order of the emperor Justinian, for the use of the monks, at the bottom of this mountain, in honor of the Blessed Virgin, as Procopius mentions. Thither he went every Saturday and Sunday to assist, with all the other anchorets and monks of that desert, at the holy office and at the celebration of the divine mysteries, when they all communicated. His diet was very sparing, though, to shun ostentation and the danger of vain-glory, he ate of everything that was allowed among the monks of Egypt, who universally abstained from flesh, fish, &c, Prayer was his principal employment and he practiced what he earnestly recommends to all Christians, that in all their actions, thoughts, and words, they should keep themselves with great fervor in the presence of God, and direct all they do to his holy will.By habitual contemplation he acquired an extraordinary purity of heart, and such a facility of lovingly beholding God in all his works, that this practice scented in him a second nature. Thus he accompanied his studies with perpetual prayer. He assiduously read the Holy Scriptures, and fathers, and was one of the most learned doctors of the church. But, to preserve the treasure of humility, he concealed, as much as possible both his natural and acquired talents, and the extraordinary graces with which the Holy Ghost enriched his soul. By this secrecy he fled from the danger of vain-glory, which, like a leech, sticks to our best actions, and sucking from them its nourishment, robs us of their fruit. As if this cell had not been sufficiently remote from the eyes of men, St. John frequently retired into a neighboring cavern, which he had made in the rock, where no one could come to disturb his devotions, or interrupt his tears. So ardent were his charity and compunction that his eyes seemed two fountains, which scarce ever ceased to flow; and his continual sighs and groans to heaven, under the weight of the miseries inseparable from his moral pilgrimage, were not to be equaled by the vehemence of the cries of those who suffer from knives and fire.  Overcome by importunities, he admitted a holy anchoret named Moyses to live with him as his disciple.
  God bestowed on St. John an extraordinary grace of healing the spiritual disorders of souls.  Among others, a monk called Isaac was brought almost to the brink of despair by most violent temptations of the flesh. He addressed himself to St. John, who perceived by his tears how much he underwent from that conflict and struggle which he felt within himself. The servant of God commended his faith, and said "My son, let us have re-course to God by prayer." They accordingly prostrated themselves together on the ground in fervent supplication for deliverance, and from that time the infernal serpent left Isaac in peace. Many others resorted to St. John for spiritual advice: but the devil excited some to jealousy, who censured him as one who, out of vanity, lost much time in unprofitable discourse. The saint took this accusation, which was a mere calumny, in good part, and as a charitable admonition; he therefore imposed on himself a rigorous silence for near a twelve month. Thus his humility and modesty so much astonished his calumniators, that they joined the rest of the monks in beseeching him to resume his former function of giving charitable advice to all that resorted to him for it, and not to bury that talent of science which he had received for the benefit of many. He who knew not what it was to contradict others, with the same humility and deference again opened his mouth to instruct his neighbor in the rules of perfect virtue: in which office, such that was the reputation of his wisdom and experience, that he was regarded as another Moses in that holy place.
  St. John was now seventy-five years old, and had spent forty of them in his hermitage, when, in the year six hundred, he was unanimously chosen abbot of Mount Sinai, and superior-general of all the monks and hermits in that country.  Soon after he was raised to this dignity, the people of Palestine arid Arabia, in the time of a great drought and famine, made their application to him as another Elias begging him to intercede with God in their behalf.  The saint failed not with great earnestness to recommend their distress the father of mercies and its prayer was immediately recompensed with abundant rains.     St. Gregory the Great, who then sat in St. Peter's chair, wrote to our holy abbot, recommending himself to his prayers, and sent him beds, with other furniture and money, for his hospital, for the use of pilgrim’s hour Mount Sinai.  John, who had used his utmost endeavors to decline the pastoral charge, when he saw it laid upon hint, neglected no means which might promote the sanctification of all those who were entrusted to his care.  That posterity might receive some share in the benefit of his Holy instructions. John, the learned and virtuous abbot of Raithu, a monastery situated towards the Red Sea, entreated him by that obedience he had ever practiced, even with regard to his inferiors that he would draw up the most necessary rules by which fervent souls might arrive at Christian perfection. The Saint answered him that nothing but extreme humility could have moved him to write to so miserable a sinner, destitute of every sort of virtue; but that  he received his commands with respect, though far above his strength, never considering his own insufficiency. Wherefore, apprehensive of falling into death by disobedience, he took up his pen in haste, with great eagerness mixed with fear, and set himself to draw some imperfect outlines as an unskillful painter, leaving them to receive from him, as a great master, the finishing strokes. This produced the excellent work which he called Climax, or the ladder of religious perfection. This book being written in sentences, almost in the manner of aphorisms, abounds more in sense than words.  A certain majestic simplicity, an inexpressible unction and spirit of humility, joined with conciseness and perspicuity, very much enhance the value of this performance but its chief merit consists in the sublime sentiments, and perfect description of all Christian virtues, which it contains.  The author confirms his precept by several edifying examples, as of obedience  and penance in describing a monastery of three hundred and thirty monks, which he had visited near Alexandria in Egypt, he mentions one of the principal citizens of that city, named Isidore, who, petitioning to he admitted into the house, said to the abbot “As iron is in the hands of the smith, so am I in your hands."  The abbot ordered him to remain without the gate, and to prostrate himself at the foot of every one that passed by, begging their prayers for his soul struck with leprosy. Thus he passed seven years in profound humility and patience. He told St. John, that during the first year he always considered himself as a slave condemned for his sins, and sustained violent conflicts. The second year he passed in tranquility and confidence and the third with relish and pleasure in his humiliations. So great was his virtue, that the abbot determined to present him to the bishop in order to be promoted to the priesthood, but the humility of the holy penitent prevented the execution of that design for having begged at least a respite, he died within ten lays.
St. John could not help admiring the cook of this numerous community, who seemed always recollected and generally bathed in tears amidst his continual occupation, and asked him by what means he nourished so perfect a spirit of compunction, in the midst of such a dissipating laborious employment. He said, that serving the monks, he represented to himself that he was serving not men, but God in His servants: and that the fire he always had before his `yes, reminded him of that in which will burn souls for all eternity. The moving description which our author gives of the monastery of penitents called the Prison, about a mile from the former, hath been already abridged in our language. John the Sabaite told our saint, as of a third person, that seeing himself respected in his monastery, he considered that this was not the way to satisfy his sins.  Wherefore, with the leave of this abbot, he repaired to a severe monastery in Pontus, and after three years saw in a dream a schedule of his debts, to the amount in appearance of one hundred pounds of gold, of which only ten were canceled.  He therefore repeated often to himself “Poor Antichous thou hast still a great debt to satisfy."

 After passing over thirteen years in contempt and the most fervent practices of penance, he deserved to see in a vision his whole debt blotted out.  Another monk, in a grievous fit of illness, fell into a trance, in which he lay as if he had been dead for the space of an hour but recovering, he shut himself up in his cell, and lived a recluse twelve years, almost continually weeping, in the perpetual meditation of death.  When he was near death, his brethren could only extort from him these words of edification; “He who hath death always before his eyes, will never sin."  John, abbot of Raithu, explained this book of our saint by judicious comments, which are also extant. We have likewise a letter of St. John Climacus to the same person, concerning the duties of a pastor, in which he exhorts him in correcting others to temper severity with mildness, and encourages him zealously to fulfil the obligations of his charge; for nothing is greater or more acceptable to God than to offer him the sacrifice of rational souls sanctified by penance and charity.
  St. John sighed continually under the weight of his dignity, during the four years that he governed the monks of Mount Sinai: and as he had taken upon him that burden with fear and reluctance, he with joy found means to resign the same a little before his death.   Heavenly contemplation, and the continual exercise of divine love and praise, was his delight and comfort in his earthly pilgrimage and in this imitation of the functions of the blessed spirits in heaven he placed the essence of the monastic state. In his excellent maxims concerning the gift of holy tears, the fruit of charity, we seem to behold a lively portraiture of his most pure soul. He died to his hermitage on the 30th day of March, in 605, being fourscore years old. His spiritual son George, who had succeeded him in the abbacy, earnestly begged of God that he might not be separated from his dear master and guide; and followed him by a happy death within a few days. On several Greek commentaries on St. John Climacus’s ladder, see Montfaucon, Biblioth. Coisliana, pp. 305, 306.

  St. John Climacus, speaking of the excellence and the effects of charity, does it with a feeling and energy worthy of such a subject. A mother “says he, "feels less, pleasure when she folds within her arms the dear infant whom she nourishes with her own milk, than the true child of charity does, when united, as he incessantly is, to his God, and folded as it were in the arms of his heavenly Father. Charity operates in some persons so as to carry them almost entirely out of themselves. It illuminates others, and fills them with such sentiments of joy, that they cannot help crying out “The Lord is my helper and my protector in him hath my heart confided, and I have been helped and my flesh hath flourished again, and my will I will give praise again to him. This joy which they feel in' their hearts, is reflected on their countenances and when once God has united, or, as we may say incorporated them with his charity, he displays in their exterior, as in the reflection of a mirror, the brightness and serenity of their souls even as Moses, being honored with a sight of God, was encompassed round by his glory."  St. John Climacus composed the following prayer to obtain the gift of charity: My God, I pretend to nothing upon this earth, except to be so firmly united to you by prayer, that to be separated from you may be impossible: let others desire riches and glory for my part, I desire but one thing, and that is, to be inseparably united to you, and to place in you alone all my hopes of happiness and repose."

THE Ladder (Klimax) to Paradise was a book which was immensely popular in the middle ages and won for its author, John the Scholastic, the name “ Climacus" by which he is generally known. The saint’s origin is hidden in obscurity, but he was possibly a native of Palestine and is said to have been a disciple of St Gregory Nazianzen. At the age of sixteen he joined the monks settled on Mount Sinai. After four years spent in testing his virtue, the young novice was professed, and was placed under the direction of a holy man called Martyrius. Under the guidance of his spiritual father, he left the monastery and took up his residence in a hermitage nearby—apparently to enable him to check a tendency to waste time in idle conversation. He tells us himself that, under the direction of a prudent guide, he succeeded in shunning rocks which he could not have escaped if he had presumed to steer alone. So perfect was his submission that he made it a rule never to contradict anyone, or to contest any statement made by those who visited him in his solitude. After the death of Martyrius, when St John was thirty-five years of age, he embraced the completely eremitical life at Thole—a lonely spot, but sufficiently near to a church to enable him, with the other hermits and monks of the region, to assist on Saturdays and Sundays at the divine office and the celebration of the holy mysteries. In this retirement the holy man spent forty years, advancing ever more and more in the way of perfection. He read the Bible assiduously, as well as the fathers, and was one of the most learned of the desert saints, but his whole aim was to conceal his talents and to hide the extraordinary graces with which the Holy Ghost had enriched his soul. In his determination to avoid singularity he partook of all that was allowed to the monks of Egypt, but he ate so sparingly that it was a case of tasting rather than of eating. His biographer records with admiration that so intense was his compunction that his eyes seemed like two fountains which never ceased to flow, and that in the cavern to which he was wont to retire for prayer the rocks used to resound with his moans and lamentations.
As a spiritual director he was in great request. At one time indeed some of his fellow-monks, either through jealousy or perhaps justifiably, criticized him for wasting time in unprofitable discourse. John accepted the accusation as a charitable admonition and imposed upon himself a rigorous silence in which he persevered for nearly a twelvemonth, The whole community then besought him to resume advising others, and not to bury the talents which he had received; so he resumed his instructions, and came to be regarded as another Moses in that holy place, “for he went up into the mountain of contemplation, talked to God face to face, and then came down to his fellows bearing the tables of God’s law, his Ladder of Perfection”. This work, which he wrote at the request of John, abbot of Raithu, consists of thirty chapters illustrating the thirty degrees for attaining to religious perfection from the first step of renunciation which rests on the three pillars of innocence, mortification and temperance, to the thirtieth and final step upon which are seated the three theological virtues of faith, hope and charity. It treats first of the vices and then of the virtues, and it is written in the form of aphorisms or sentences illustrated by many curious anecdotes of monastic life.
We are told that God bestowed upon St John an extraordinary grace of healing the spiritual disorders of souls. Amongst others to whom he ministered was a monk called Isaac who was brought almost to the brink of despair by temptations of the flesh. John recognized the struggle he was making, and after commending his faith said, “My son, let us have recourse to prayer”. They prostrated themselves in humble supplication and from that moment Isaac was released from those temptations. Another disciple, a certain Moses, who appears to have at one time lived near or with the saint, after carrying loads of earth for planting vegetables, was overcome with fatigue and fell asleep in the heat of the day under a great rock. Suddenly he was awakened by his master’s voice and rushed forward, just in time to avoid being crushed by the fall of an overhanging crag. St John in his solitude had been aware of the impending danger and had been praying to God for his safety.
The good man was now seventy years old, but upon the death of the abbot of Mount Sinai he was unanimously chosen to succeed him. Soon after, the people in the time of a great drought applied to him as to another Elias, begging him to intercede with God on their behalf. The saint recommended their distress to the Father of mercies, and his prayer was answered by an abundance of rain. Such was his reputation that St Gregory the Great, who then sat in St Peter’s chair, wrote to the holy abbot, asking for his prayers and sending him beds and money for the use of pilgrims to Sinai, who were numerous. For four years St John governed the monks wisely and well. It was, however, with reluctance that he had accepted the charge, and he found means to Jay it down shortly before his death. He had attained the age of fourscore years when he passed away in the hermitage which had been so dear to him. His spiritual son George, who had succeeded him as abbot, entreated the dying saint that they might not be separated. John assured him that their prayers were heard, and the disciple followed his master within a few days. Besides the Climax, we have another work of St John’s—a letter written to the abbot of Raithu, in which he describes the duties of a true shepherd of souls. In art, John is always represented with a ladder.

Although there is what professes to be an ancient Life of St John Climacus, written by Daniel, a monk of Raithu, this contains no more in the way of fact than is to be found in the Synax. Constant. The whole history is very obscure, and the note of F. Nau in the Byzantinische Zeitschrift, vol. xi (1902), pp. 35—37, must be accepted with great reserve in view of the criticism of L. Petit in DTC., vol. viii, cc. 690—692. This last article makes it probable that John was married in early life and that he only became a monk after the death of his wife. The accounts given in such works as DCII., and the Kirchenlexikon for the most do little more than expand the jejune data furnished by Daniel. See also Échos d’Orient, 1923, pp. 440-450.
He was a Syrian or a Palestinian who started his eremitical life at sixteen, living for many years as a hermit on Sinai. He then went to Thale. Revered also as a scriptural scholar, he authored The Ladder of Perfection to provide a comprehensive treatise on the ideal of Christian perfection and the virtues and vices of the monastic life. Composed in thirty chapters, it was intended to correspond to the age of Christ at the time of his baptism by John the Baptist. John was elected abbot of the monks of Mt. Sinai at the age of seventy He died there on March 30.

John Climacus, Abbot (RM)(also known as John Scholasticus) Born in Syria or Palestine; died on Mount Sinai on March 30, c. 650 (many older scholars place his death as early as 600).

"God does not insist or desire that we should mourn in agony of heart; rather, it is His wish that out of love for Him we should rejoice with laughter in our soul. Take away sin and tears become superfluous; where there is no bruise, no ointment is required. Before the fall Adam shed no tears, and in the same way there will be no more tears after the resurrection from the dead when sin has been destroyed. For pain, sorrow, and lamentation will then have fled away."

A learned Syrian abbot and spiritual director, Saint John authored The Ladder to Paradise or Ladder of Perfection, from which he acquires the appellation, "Climacus," which is Greek for "ladder." John's early life is hidden in obscurity. Farmer says that he was married and became a monk at the death of his wife.
He joined the monastery of Mount Sinai when he was only 16. His novitiate was spent in a hermitage near the monastery under the discipline of Martyrius. By silence, he learned to curb the insolent need to discuss everything, an ordinary vice in learned men, but usually a mark of pride and self-sufficiency. Instead he adopted humility and obedience, and never contradicted or disputed with anyone. After four years of training with the ancient anchorite, he was professed.

From the age of 35, after the death of Martyrius, John spent many years as a hermit at Thole at the foot of Mount Sinai, where he studied the Scriptures and the lives of the Fathers of the Church. He practiced the normal austerities of the desert monks: frequent fasting, nights of prayer, and abstinence from meat and fish. He is another of the saints who exhibited the gift of tears. Because he became a popular spiritual advisor, who was especially known for his ability to comfort the distraught, he often sought solitude in a nearby cave. When some who were jealous of his gifts accused him of spending too much time in vain discourse, he kept complete silence for a year until the accusers begged him to resume giving counsel. He went to the monastery only to celebrate the Eucharist with his brother monks on Saturdays and Sundays.

When he was about 70, he was elected abbot of the monks of Mount Sinai over his objections. Soon after his election, there was a severe draught in Palestine. The people beseeched him to storms the gates of heaven in intercession for rain. He earnestly begged God on their behalf and it immediately began to rain. John's contemporary, Pope Saint Gregory the Great wrote to the holy abbot asking his prayers, and sent him beds, other furniture, and money for his hospital near Mount Sinai for pilgrims. He governed the monastery until four years before his death in his hermitage on Mount Sinai.

At the request of the abbot of Raithu, John wrote his masterpiece, which uses the vehicle of a spiritual ladder with thirty rungs--one for each year of Christ's earthly life until His baptism--to discuss monastic spirituality and the pursuit of apartheia (passive disinterestedness), which was regarded as a perfect state. This work was enormously popular during the Middle Ages and was published in English in 1959 under the title The ladder of divine ascent. The book was the source of the Byzantine iconographic theme of the ladder to heaven, which is seen at Mount Athos and elsewhere.

In describing a monastery of 330 monks, which he had visited near Alexandria, Egypt, John mentions one of the principal citizens of that city, named Isidore, who, petitioning to be admitted into the house, said to the abbot: "As iron is in the hands of the smith, so am I in your hands." The abbot ordered him to remain outside the gate and to prostrate himself at the feet of every passerby, by, begging their prayers for his soul struck with a leprosy. Thus, he passed seven years in profound humility and patience. He told Saint John that during the first year he always considered himself as a slave condemned for his sins, and sustained violent conflicts. The second year he passed in tranquillity and confidence; and the third with relish and pleasure in his humiliations. So great was his virtue, that the abbot determined to present him to the bishop in order to be promoted to the priesthood, but the humility of the holy penitent prevented it--he begged respite and died within 10 days.

John also admired the cook of this community, who seemed always recollected, and generally bathed in tears amidst his continual occupation. When asked how he nourished so perfect a spirit of compunction in the midst of his busy work, the cook replied that, in serving the monks, he considered that he was serving not men but God in his servants. Additionally, the fire that always burned before his eyes reminded him of that fire which will burn souls for all eternity.
Here are some of the spiritual maxims from Saint John's book:
"Rule you own heart as a king rules over his kingdom, but be subject above all to the supreme ruler, God Himself."
"A person is at the beginning of a prayer when he succeeds in removing distractions which at the beginning beset him. He is at the middle of the prayer when the mind concentrates only on what he is meditating and contemplating. He reaches the end when, with the Lord, the prayer enraptures him."
"Without weapons there is no way of killing wild animals. Without humility there is no way of conquering anger."
"It is not without risk that one climbs up a defective ladder. And so with honor, praise, and precedence which are all dangerous for humility."
"In an instant many are pardoned for their mistakes, but no one, in a moment's time, acquires calmness of the soul which requires much time, much trouble and a great deal of help from God."
"The one who is dead can no longer walk. The one who despairs can no longer be saved."
"A small fire is enough to burn down an entire forest; a little hole may destroy an entire building."
"Just as clouds hide the sun so bad thoughts cast shadows over the soul."
"Birds which are too heavy cannot fly very high. The same is true of those who mistreat their bodies."
"A dried-up puddle is of no use for the pigs and a dried up body is of no use to the devils."
"A tool which is in good condition may sharpen one which is not in good condition, and a fervent brother may save the person who is only lukewarm about his faith."
"The one who says he has faith and continues to go against it resembles a face without eyes" (Attwater, Attwater2, Benedictines, Bentley, Delaney, Farmer, Encyclopedia, Husenbeth).
Inevitably, Saint John is portrayed in art as an abbot carrying a ladder or having a vision of monks climbing one (Roeder).

Saint John of the Ladder is honored by Holy Church as a great ascetic and author of the renowned spiritual book called THE LADDER, from which he is also called "of the Ladder" (Climacus).

There is almost no information about St John's origins. One tradition suggests that he was born in Constantinople around the year 570, and was the son of Sts Xenophon and Maria (January 26).
John went to Sinai when he was sixteen, submitting to Abba Martyrius as his instructor and guide. After four years, St John was tonsured as a monk. Abba Strategios, who was present at St John's tonsure, predicted that he would become a great luminary in the Church of Christ.  For nineteen years St John progressed in monasticism in obedience to his spiritual Father. After the death of Abba Martyrius, St John embarked on a solitary life, settling in a wild place called Thola, where he spent forty years laboring in silence, fasting, prayer, and tears of penitence.

It is not by chance that in THE LADDER St John speaks about tears of repentance: "Just as fire burns and destroys the wood, so pure tears wash away every impurity, both external and internal." His holy prayer was strong and efficacious, as may be seen from an example from the life of the God-pleasing saint.
St John had a disciple named Moses.
Once, the saint ordered his disciple to bring dung to fertilize the vegetable garden. When he had fulfilled the obedience, Moses lay down to rest under the shade of a large rock, because of the scorching heat of summer. St John was in his cell in a light sleep. Suddenly, a man of remarkable appearance appeared to him and awakened the holy ascetic, reproaching him, "John, why do you sleep so heedlessly, when Moses is in danger?"  St John immediately woke up and began to pray for his disciple. When Moses returned in the evening, St John asked whether any sort of misfortune had befallen him.  The monk replied, "A large rock would have fallen on me as I slept beneath it at noon, but I left that place because I thought I heard you calling me." St John did not tell his disciple of his vision, but gave thanks to God.

St John ate the food which is permitted by the monastic rule, but only in moderation. He did not sleep very much, only enough to keep up his strength, so that he would not ruin his mind by unceasing vigil. "I do not fast excessively," he said of himself, "nor do I give myself over to intense all-night vigil, nor lay upon the ground, but I restrain myself..., and the Lord soon saved me."
The following example of St John's humility is noteworthy.
Gifted with discernment, and attaining wisdom through spiritual experience, he lovingly received all who came to him and guided them to salvation. One day some envious monks reproached him for being too talkative, and so St John kept silence for a whole year. The monks realized their error, and they went to the ascetic and begged him not to deprive them of the spiritual profit of his conversation.

Concealing his ascetic deeds from others, St John sometimes withdrew into a cave, but reports of his holiness spread far beyond the vicinity. Visitors from all walks of life came to him, desiring to hear his words of edification and salvation. After forty years of solitary asceticism, he was chosen as igumen of Sinai when he was seventy-five. St John governed the holy monastery for four years. Toward the end of his life, the Lord granted him the gifts of clairvoyance and wonderworking.

At the request of St John, igumen of the Raithu monastery (Commemorated on Cheesefare Saturday), he wrote the incomparable LADDER, a book of instruction for monks who wished to attain spiritual perfection.  Knowing of the wisdom and spiritual gifts of St John of Sinai, the igumen of Raithu requested him to write down whatever was necessary for the salvation of those in the monastic life. Such a book would be "a ladder fixed on the earth" (Gen. 28:12), leading people to the gates of Heaven.

St John felt that such a task was beyond his ability, yet out of obedience he fulfilled the request. The saint called his work THE LADDER, for the book is "a fixed ladder leading from earthly things to the Holy of Holies...." The thirty steps of spiritual perfection correspond to the thirty years of the Lord's age. When we have completed these thirty steps, we will find ourselves with the righteous and will not stumble. THE LADDER begins with renunciation of the world, and ends with God, Who is love (1 John 4:8).

Although the book was written for monks, any Christian living in the world will find it an unerring guide for ascending to God, and a support in the spiritual life. Sts Theodore the Studite (November 11 and January 26), Sergius of Radonezh (September 25 and July 5), Joseph of Volokolamsk (September 9 and October 18), and others relied on THE LADDER as an important guide to salvation. 
The twenty-second step of THE LADDER deals with various forms of vainglory. St John writes: "When I fast, I am vainglorious; and when I permit myself food in order to conceal my fasting from others I am again vainglorious about my prudence. When I dress in fine clothing, I am vanquished by vanity, and if I put on drab clothing, again I am overcome by vanity. If I speak, vainglory defeats me. If I wish to keep silence, I am again given over to it. Wherever this thorn comes up, it stands with its points upright.
A vain person seems to honor God, but strives to please men rather than God.
People of lofty spirit bear insult placidly and willingly, but only the holy and righteous may hear praise without harm.
When you hear that your neighbor or friend has slandered you behind your back, or even to your face, praise and love him.
It is not the one who reproaches himself who shows humility, for who will not put up with himself? It is the one who is slandered by another, yet continues to show love for him.
Whoever is proud of his natural gifts, intelligence, learning, skill in reading, clear enunciation, and other similar qualities, which are acquired without much labor, will never obtain supernatural gifts. Whoever is not faithful in small things (Luke 16:10), is also unfaithful in large things, and is vainglorous.
It often happens that God humbles the vainglorious, sending a sudden misfortune. If prayer does not destroy a proud thought, we bring to mind the departure of the soul from this life. And if this does not help, let us fear the shame which follows dishonor. "For whoever humbles himself shall be exalted, and whoever exalts himself shall be humbled" (Luke 14:11). When those who praise us, or rather seduce us, start to praise us, let us recall our many sins, then we shall find that we are not worthy of what they say or do to honor us."

In THE LADDER St John describes the ascent toward spiritual perfection, which is essential for anyone who wishes to save his soul. It is a written account of his thoughts, based on the collected wisdom of many wise ascetics, and on his own spiritual experience. The book is a great help on the path to truth and virtue.
The steps of THE LADDER proceed gradually from strength to strength on the path of perfection. The summit is not reached suddenly, but gradually, as the Savior says: "The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force" (Mt.11:12).
St John is also commemorated on the fourth Sunday of Great Lent. 
660 St. Zosimus  vision of Santa Lucia monk abbot bishop of Syracuse famous for his care of the poor and his educational programs
 Syracúsis, in Sicília, sancti Zósimi, Epíscopi et Confessóris.
       At Syracuse, St. Zosimus, bishop and confessor.

  WAS successor to the holy bishop Peter and faithfully discharged all the duties of a worthy pastor until his death, which happened in 660.   His name is mentioned in the Roman and Sicilian Martyrologies.   See the Bollandists and Baillet.

THE parents of St Zosimus were Sicilian landowners, who dedicated their little boy to the service of St Lucy and placed him, when he was seven years old, in the monastery that bore her name near Syracuse, not far from their home. There his main occupation seems to have been to watch near the relics of the saint. The duty was not altogether congenial to the little lad, accustomed as he was to a free open-air life on a farm, and once, when the abbot Faustus had set him a particularly distasteful task, he ran away and went home. He was brought back in disgrace, and the enormity of his offence impressed upon him. That night, in his dreams, he saw St Lucy rise from her shrine and stand over him with a menacing countenance. As he lay in terror, there appeared beside her the gracious figure of our Lady interceding for him, and promising in his name that he would never do such a thing again. As time went by, Zosimus became more reconciled to the life of the cloister, his visits home became fewer and shorter, and he settled down to the regular round of prayer, praise and contemplation with the other monks.
For thirty years he lived almost forgotten. Then the abbot of Santa Lucia died, and there was great uncertainty and discussion over the choice of a successor. Finally the monks went in a body to the bishop of Syracuse and begged him to make the appointment for them. The prelate, after scrutinizing them all, asked if there was no other monk belonging to the convent. Thereupon they remembered Brother Zosimus, whom they had left to mind the shrine and to answer the door. He was sent for, and no sooner had the bishop set eyes upon him than he exclaimed, “Behold him whom the Lord hath chosen”. So Zosimus was appointed abbot, and a few days later the bishop ordained him a priest. His biographer says that he ruled the monastery of Santa Lucia with such wisdom, love and prudence that he surpassed all his predecessors and all his successors. When the see of Syracuse fell vacant in 649, the people elected Zosimus, who, however, did not wish to be raised to the dignity, whilst the clergy chose a priest called Vanerius, a vain and ambitious man. Appeal was made to Pope Theodore, who decided for Zosimus and consecrated him. In his episcopate the holy man was remarkable for his zeal in teaching the people and for his liberality to the poor; but it is difficult to judge of the historical value of the anecdotes which purport to have been recorded by a contemporary biographer. At the age of nearly ninety St Zosimus died, about the year 660.

There is a short and fragmentary Latin life printed in the Acta Sanctorum, March, vol. iii. See also Cajetan, Vitae Sanctorum Sicul., vol. i, pp. 226—231, and animad. 181—183. Gams describes him as a Benedictine, but he is not noticed by Mabillon; he was perhaps a “Basilian”.

Zosimus (c. 570-660) + Bishop. Born on Sicily, at the age of seven he was placed in the monastery of Santa Lucia, near Syracuse. He served as a monk for thirty years before receiving election as abbot. He was also made bishop of Syracuse in 649, and became famous for his care of the poor and his educational programs. Feast day: March 30.

Zozimus of Syracuse B (RM)(also known as Zosimus) Died c. 660. At the tender age of seven, Saint Zosimus was offered to the monastery of Santa Lucia, near Syracuse, Sicily, by his wealthy parents. As a child, he was deputed to watch over the relics of the virgin martyr--anathema to a boisterous country boy. He ran away from the monastery, back to his home. In disgrace, he was returned to Santa Lucia's, where he experienced a vision of the saint who seemed angry with him. She was appeased by Our Lady and accepted the boy's promise to diligently undertake his responsibility.
After that, he settled down and was a good and simple monk for thirty years, then quickly succeeded to the positions of abbot and bishop of Syracuse. The scene of his selection of abbot is reminiscent of the selection of the Old Testament King David: The uncertain monks sought the help of their bishop. After scrutinizing all the monks gathered, he asked if there was no other monk belonging to their number. Then they remembered Zosimus, whom they had left to guard the shrine and answer the door. The bishop sent for the missing monk. Immediately upon seeing him the bishop exclaimed: "Behold him whom the Lord has chosen." He appointed him abbot and ordained him priest.

His reputation as a wise and charitable abbot led him to be elected bishop by the people at the death of Peter in 649. He did not want the position and the clergy had elected another, Vanerius, a vain and ambitious man. Pope Theodore settled the question by appointing and consecrating Zosimus. He faithfully discharged all the duties of a worthy pastor and showed great liberality to the poor until his death at the age of 90. These details are drawn from a reputedly contemporary vita (Attwater2, Benedictines, Farmer, Husenbeth, Walsh).

Saint Zosimus, Bishop of Syracuse, was born in answer to the fervent prayers of his parents, who were childless for a long time. When their son reached the age of seven, his parents sent him to a monastery to be educated. When the holy ascetic became an adult, he received monastic tonsure, and governed the monastery for forty years. Pope Theodore (641-649) consecrated him Bishop of Syracuse.

St Zosimus was distinguished by his charity and lack of avarice, and led his flock by word and by example. Toward the end of his life St Zosimus fell grievously ill, but endured his suffering with magnanimity and humility.
He died in the year 662, after he had led his flock for thirteen years. Later, many of the sick received healing by merely touching his tomb.
733 St. Tola Irish bishop in Meath aided the expansion of scholarly studies.
(Disert lola) Ireland. He sent missionaries to Europe and aided the expansion of scholarly studies.
Tola B (AC) Died c. 733. This Irish saint was the abbot-bishop of Disert Tola in Meath (Benedictines).

788 Patto of Werden abbot many miracles attributed OSB B (AC)
(also known as Pacificus) Born in Britain; died at Werden (Verden), Saxony, Germany, c. 788. Saint Patto was abbot of the Irish monastery of Anabaric in Saxony, which was established by Blessed Charlemagne about 780. Later he was consecrated bishop of Werden to succeeded its first bishop, Suibert.
Because many miracles have been attributed to him, his body was exhumed in 1630 (a common action during a papal investigation of sanctity), but no record was made of the result. This may have been because the remains of Bishops Suibert, Saint Tanco, Saint Patto, Cerelon, Nortrila, Saint Erlulf, and Saint Harruch, plus debris of mitres, sandals, and episcopal ornaments were all found in the same tomb. The relics were collected into a new casket and rested behind the high altar until they were taken by the bishop to Regensburg during the Swedish invasions in 1659 (Benedictines, D'Arcy, Fitzpatrick2, Kenney, Montague, O'Hanlon).

863 SAINT VERON et sa soeur SAINTE VERONE existe toujours sous le nom de "puits saint Véron"
Ce confesseur de la Foi aurait été le fils de Louis le Germanique, petit-fils de Louis le pieux et donc arrière petit-fils de Charlemagne. Dès l'âge de 16 ans, il quitta la cour pour venir se réfugier à Lembeek, près de Hal, où il travailla comme valet de ferme, dans la plus humble condition, imitant en cela Jésus qui travailla de ses mains à Nazareth. Il y acquit une grande réputation de sainteté. Il fit un jour jaillir une source en plantant son bâton en terre, et cette source existe toujours sous le nom de "puits saint Véron". Il connut les invasions normandes et mourut en 863. Son tombeau devint bien vite un lieu de pélerinage. On l'invoque contre le typhus, les fièvres malignes, les migraines, les névralgies, les rhumatismes et les maux de tête. Ses reliques ont été transportées à Mons, en l'église sainte-Waudru.

Une marche dédiée à Saint Véron est organisée à Lembeek le lundi de Pâques, et à Ragnies, dans le Hainaut, un pèlerinage est organisé le même jour. Saint Véron est honoré dans le diocèse de Malines et fêté le 31 janvier [et le 30 mars en Hainaut]. Tropaire d'un confesseur (apôtre). Quant à sa soeur, nous ne connaissons rien de sa vie. Elle mourut à Leefdael, dans le Brabant, et un premier oratoire en bois fut immédiatement construit sur son tombeau. Il fut remplacé par une église en pierres au 11ème siècle. Une source située à proximité a la réputation de guérir les fièvres. Fête le même jour et tropaire d'une religieuse.

This confessor of the Faith would have been the son of Louis the Germanic one, grandson of Louis the piles and thus postpones grandson of Charlemagne. As of the 16 years age, it left the court to come to take refuge in Lembeek, close to Hal, where it worked as farmhand, under the humblest condition, imitating in that Jesus who worked with his hands with Nazareth. It acquired a great reputation of holiness there. It was dawning one to spout out a source by planting its ground stick, and this source always exists under the name of “holy well Véron”. It knew the invasions Normans and died into 863. Its tomb well quickly became a place of pélerinage. One calls upon it against typhus, the fevers malignant, the migraines, the neuralgias, rheumatisms and the headaches. Its relics were transported to Mons, in the holy-Waudru church.

A walk dedicated to Saint Minnow is organized in Lembeek the Easter Monday, and in Ragnies, in Hainaut, a pilgrimage is organized the same day. Saint Véron is honoured in the diocese the Malignant ones and is celebrated on January 31 [and on March 30 in Hainaut]. Tropaire of a confessor (apostle). As for his/her sister, we do not know anything of his life. It died in Leefdael, in the Brabant, and a first wood oratory was immediately built on its tomb. It was replaced by a stone church at the 11th century. A source located in the vicinity with the reputation to cure the fevers. Celebrates the same day and tropaire of a chocolate éclair.

1016 1018 St. Osburga many miracles reported at Her shrine

NOTHING is known of the life of St Osburga, except that she is supposed to have been the first abbess of the nunnery founded by King Canute at Coventry and that her death occurred about 1016. On the other hand it is possible that she flourished at a much earlier period. We first hear of her in 1410, when her shrine was already the object of popular cultus and the scene of so many miracles that the clergy and people of Coventry petitioned for the observance of her festival. A synod was therefore called, which issued a decree commanding that, in the archdeaconry of Coventry, the feast of St Osburga should be kept with the solemnity due to a patron saint. It does not seem certain what day was chosen. Devotion to St Osburga lingered on at Coventry until after the Reformation, and her feast is still kept in the archdiocese of Birmingham on this day.

See Stanton, Menology, p. 137 cf. Leland’s Collectanea, vol. i, p. 50, and Dugdale, Monasticon, vol. iii, pp. 175 and 182.

Abbess of a convent at Coventry, England, which had been founded by King Canute. Her shrine was a popular place of pilgrimage during the Middle Ages because of the many miracles reported there.

Osburga V (AC)(also known as Osberga)Died c. 1016; feast day formerly March 28; cultus confirmed in the 15th century. Generally, she is thought to have been the first abbess of the convent founded at Coventry by Canute before he was recognized as king of England, although nothing is known for certain. Her shrine became the site of so many miracles that, in 1410, the clergy and people of Coventry requested that a feast be established in her honor, which was granted by a synod and is still celebrated in the diocese of Birmingham (Attwater, Attwater2, Benedictines, Farmer).

1202 Blessed Joachim of Fiore Cistercian visionary, prophet; adopted ascetic early in life great piety and simplicity OSB Cist. Abbot (PC)
(also known as Joachim de Floris)
Born at Celico, Calabria, Italy, c. 1130; Joachim was a visionary and prophet who, early in life, adopted an ascetic life. After a pilgrimage to Palestine, he entered the Cistercian abbey at Sambucina. In 1176, he became abbot of Corazzo, and about 1190, founded his own monastery at Fiore--a new Cistercian Congregation. His life was marked with great piety and simplicity. He looked for a new age of the Spirit, when the papal Church would be superseded by a spiritual Church in which popes, priests, and ceremonies would disappear, and the Holy Spirit would fill the hearts of all Christ's followers.
Thus, his heart was Franciscan and, in a way, he anticipated the reforming zeal and simple faith of the Quakers. It is not surprising that doubts were sometimes thrown upon his orthodoxy and that many were disturbed by his original and even startling views.

Nevertheless, he opened the way for others to follow, and kindled a hope that ran through the medieval world and stirred the intellect of the Church. Reformation was in the air, and many things which he foresaw or foretold came to birth in the century that followed, in the great days of Dominic, Francis of Assisi, and Ignatius Loyola.

A new emphasis was placed on the work of the Holy Spirit, and after the gloom which preceded, there burst upon the world fresh and radiant visions of saintliness and virtue, and with them a new warmth and glow of religious life. A wave of exhilaration swept across Europe, and in that golden age of art and genius men looked beyond the outward forms and found in their own hearts a living and personal experience of God.

Joachim helped to give birth to this new mood of feeling and spontaneity, which later found song in such words as "O Jesus, King Most Wonderful" and "Jesu, the very thought of Thee." It was Pentecost set to music:

When once Thou visitest the heart, Then truth begins to shine,
Then earthly vanities depart, Then kindles love divine.
O Jesus, Light of all below! Thou Fount of living fire, Surpassing all the joys we know,And all we can desire.

With this inner fire went a consuming love that burned in the heart of Saint Francis and his friars, that sent Dominic and his preachers out of their churches into the hills and highways, and that in a thousand monasteries set up Christian communities to care for the welfare of the people.
He was a prolific ascetical writer. His commentary on the Book of Revelation gave his the title "the Prophet" by which he was described by Dante: "the Calabrian abbot Joachim, endowed with prophetic spirit" (Paradiso, XII). Thus Joachim was among the enthusiasts, who turned for inspiration to the Bible. Unfortunately, after his death the Franciscan Spirituals used his books to uphold their heretical tendencies.
Nevertheless, Joachim has always been given the title of beatus, because, as a mystic and a prophet, he refreshed the life of the Church (Benedictines, Encyclopedia, Gill).

1231 Blessed Dodo of Asch Hermit  amazing austerities He possessed the gift of healing, and many sick persons recovered health at his hands (PC)
(also known as Dodon)

1231 BD DODO He possessed the gift of healing, and many sick persons recovered health at his hands
IN spite of his evident vocation to the religious life, Bd Dodo was constrained by his parents to marry. At his father’s death, however, he was able to fulfil his aspirations, for his wife and his mother retired into a convent and he was free to join the Premonstratensians. With the abbot’s permission, he afterwards betook himself to a lonely spot where he lived in complete solitude for four years, his only visitors being the evil spirits who strove to tempt him. He moved to another place in Friesland, called Asch or Hasch, and there he redoubled his austerities. As he lay prostrate before the crucifix one day, the figure spoke to him and told him that he would have to remain long upon the cross. He possessed the gift of healing, and many sick persons recovered health at his hands. In extreme old age he was killed by a falling wall, and after his death, marks of our Lord’s wounds are said to have been found upon his body. This early case of alleged stigmatization is interesting because it may possibly be of older date than that of St Francis; but it seems likely that the wounds were caused by the falling masonry. The story that Dodo induced the Frisians to relinquish a number of their savage pagan customs may belong to someone else of the same name. As a solitary he would hardly have had occasion to intervene, as the legend says he did, to stop the practice of keeping the victims of assassination unburied until vengeance had been taken on the murderers, or on some members of their family.
See the Acta Sanctorum, March, vol. iii. As to the alleged stigmata, cf. Fr Thurston in The Month, July 1919, pp. 39—50.
Dodo retired with his mother and wife to the Premonstratensians of Mariagarden at Asch in Frisia. As a hermit at various places he became known for his amazing austerities. Dodo is said to have received the stigmata, which may have pre-dated that of Saint Francis of Assisi. Dodo died when he was crushed under a wall of his cell (Attwater2, Benedictines, Encyclopedia).
1236 Blessed Moricus order of the Cruciferi 5th recruit to join Francis (AC)
In his biography of Saint Francis, Saint Bonaventure tells the story of Blessed Moricus, a religious in the order of the Cruciferi. The Franciscans, who highly venerated him, claim Moricus was the fifth recruit to join Francis. He is also venerated in Orvieto, Italy (Benedictines).

1456 St. Peter Regulatus noble family Franciscan reformer severe asceticism levitate ecstasies
 Aquilériæ, in Hispánia, sancti Petri Regaláti, in urbe Vallisoletána orti, Sacerdótis ex Ordine Minórum et Confessóris, reguláris disciplínæ in Hispániæ cœnóbiis restitutóris; quem Benedíctus Décimus quartus, Póntifex Máximus, Sanctórum fastis adscrípsit.
At Aquileria in Spain, the confessor St. Peter Regulatus, priest of the Order of Friars Minor.  He was born in Valladolid, and restored the regular discipline in the Spanish monasteries.  Pope Benedict XIV placed him on the roll of saints.

b. 1390
Also Peter Regalado, Franciscan reformer. Peter was born at Valladolid, Spain, to a noble family, and entered the Franciscan Order in his native city at the age of thirteen. After several years, he transferred to a far more austere monastery at Tribulos, where he became known for his severe asceticism as well as his abilities to levitate and enter into ecstasies. A success as abbot, he gave himself over to bringing needed reforms to the monastery and to promoting reforms in other Franciscan houses. For his zeal in adhering to the rules of the community he was designated Regulatus.

St. Peter Regaldo (1390-1456) 
Peter lived at a very busy time. The Great Western Schism (1378 - 1417) was settled at the Council of Constance (1414-1418). France and England were fighting the Hundred Years’ War, and in 1453 the Byzantine Empire was completely wiped out by the loss of Constantinople to the Turks. At Peter’s death the age of printing had just begun in Germany, and Columbus's arrival in the New World was less than 40 years away.
Peter came from a wealthy and pious family in Valladolid, Spain. At the age of 13, he was allowed to enter the Conventual Franciscans. Shortly after his ordination, he was made superior of the friary in Aguilar. He became part of a group of friars who wanted to lead a life of greater poverty and penance. In 1442 he was appointed head of all the Spanish Franciscans in his reform group.
ST PETER REGALATUS came of a noble family settled at Valladolid in Spain. He lost his father in infancy, and when he was in his thirteenth year he obtained, though with difficulty, his mother’s permission to enter the Franciscan convent of his native city. He soon became distinguished amongst his brethren for his fervour. When Peter Villacretios, after initiating a rigorous reform at Aguilar in the diocese of Osma, founded another convent at Tribulos on the Douro—which seemed to most people more like a prison than a monastery—our saint at his own earnest request was allowed to form one of the community. By the austerity of his penances, his assiduity in prayer, and his frequent ecstasies, in which he is said to have been often raised from the ground, he seems to have equalled the most eminent saints of his order, and he lived in constant union with God. Upon the death of Father Villacretios he succeeded him in the government of his reformed congregation, and died at Aguilar on March 30, 1456, in the sixty-sixth year of his age. He was called Regalatus on account of the zeal with which he enforced the rule.

The Bollandists (Acta Sanctorum, March, vol. iii) print only a Latin translation of the Spanish life by Antony Daza (1627), with some extracts from the process then instituted before the auditors of the Rota. Several Spanish biographies have since appeared, notably one by J. Infantes (1854). See also the bull of canonization issued by Benedict XIV, and many references in that pontiff’s great treatise De Beatificatione etc. Sanctorum; and Leon, Aureole Seraphique (Eng. trans.), vol. ii, pp. 150—159. St Peter’s feast is now kept by the Friars Minor on March 30.

Born in Valladolid, Spain, 1390; died March 30, 1456; canonized by Benedict XIV in 1746; another feast day was March 30. The nobly born, 13-year-old Peter entered the Franciscan order in his hometown, after convincing his widowed mother that all would be well. He later migrated to Aguilar del Campo in New Castile, which had been established by Father Peter Villacretios. There today's saint began his efforts at reforming this and several other friaries--primarily through his own example of austerity, penance, and prayer. The feast of the translation of his relics is today (Benedictines, Husenbeth).

Peter led the friars by his example. A special love of the poor and the sick characterized Peter. Miraculous stories are told about his charity to the poor. For example, the bread never seemed to run out as long as Peter had hungry people to feed. Throughout most of his life, Peter went hungry; he lived only on bread and water.
Immediately after his death on March 31, 1456, his grave became a place of pilgrimage. Peter was canonized in 1746.
Comment: Peter was an effective leader of the friars because he did not become ensnared in anger over the sins of others. Peter helped sinning friars rearrange the priorities in their lives and dedicate themselves to living the gospel of Jesus Christ as they had vowed. This patient correction is an act of charity available to all Franciscans, not just to superiors.
Quote: "And let all the brothers, both the ministers and servants as well as the others, take care not to be disturbed or angered at the sin or the evil of another, because the devil wishes to destroy many through the fault of one; but they should spiritually help [the brother] who has sinned as best they can, because it is not the healthy who are in need of the physician, but those who are sick (cf. Mt 9:12; Mk 2:17)" (Rule of 1221, Chapter 5).  
1472 Bl. Amadeus IX of Savoy victim of epilepsy known for his charity concern for the poor

AMADEUS IX, who, like his ancestor Humbert III, afterwards attained to beatification, was the son of Duke Louis I of Savoy and Anne of Cyprus, and grandson of the antipope “Felix V”. Amadeus was born at Thonon in 1435 and was betrothed in the cradle to Yolande, daughter of Charles VII of France, thereby cementing peace between the two countries. He is described as handsome, accomplished and endowed with exceptional spiritual graces; unfortunately he was subject all his life to severe attacks of epilepsy, which at times completely prostrated and incapacitated him. His marriage, which took place in 1451, was a happy one, but of his four sons and two daughters, the majority died very young.
In the province of Brescia, which was given to him as his portion, the young prince lived a congenial and secluded life, away from the cares and tumults of the court, but upon his father’s death he was called to take up the government of Savoy and Piedmont. He was a clement ruler, but inflexible in suppressing bribery and in preventing the oppression of the poor by the rich. Indeed, in cases which came before hint personally, he was so much disposed to espouse the cause of the weak that Duke Galeazzo of Milan once jestingly remarked that whereas in the rest of the world it was better to be rich than poor, in the duchy of Savoy it was the beggars who were favoured and the wealthy who were harshly dealt with.
Amadeus could not bring himself to refuse alms to anyone, and after he had exhausted the contents of his purse, he would give away his own clothing and anything he had about him. He is even said on one occasion to have broken up the jewelled collar he wore and to have distributed the fragments. When an ambassador had been loudly boasting of the numerous packs of hounds and the many different breeds of dogs kept by his master, the duke led him to a terrace outside the palace which was furnished with tables round which the poor of the city were being fed. “These are my packs and my hunting-dogs”, he remarked.
“It is with the help of these poor people that I chase after virtue and hunt for the kingdom of Heaven.” The ambassador objected that some amongst them were vicious and undeserving, mere idlers and hypocrites. “I would not judge them too severely”, replied Amadeus gently, “lest God should judge me likewise and withhold His blessing.” He had the greatest horror of blasphemy and would not retain in his service anyone who used profane language. He was very liberal in all his benefactions, yet the finances of the state were not impoverished. On the contrary, through his wise administration, debts incurred by his predecessors were paid off, his exchequer which he had found empty was replenished, and he was able to provide marriage portions for three of his sisters without incurring any debts or imposing any fresh taxes.
In his private life he was extremely austere, and far from allowing himself any relaxations on the score of ill-health, he gave it out that he was obliged to fast on account of it. Beginning every day by private meditation and by hearing Mass, it is also stated that he frequented the sacraments more constantly than was usual at that period. Like all truly magnanimous men, he bore no malice towards those who treated him ill. He had received much provocation from the Sforzas of Milan, but when, upon the death of Duke Francis, his son Galeazzo, in his haste to reach Milan quickly from the Dauphiny, tried to pass incognito through Savoy and was arrested, Amadeus treated him with honour and provided an escort to conduct him to Milan. Afterwards Galeazzo was ungrateful enough to attack him, but Amadeus brought the war to an end and gained his friendship by giving him his sister Bona in marriage.
It must be confessed that some historians judge his policy less favourably, and declare that his conciliatory attitude resulted in Savoy becoming a centre of continual strife. His brothers rebelled against him several times, but he always forgave them and made excuses for them. Because of his malady, Amadeus resigned the government into the hands of his wife, but his subjects rose in revolt and he himself was imprisoned until his brother-in-law, King Louis XI, came and set him at liberty. Though then only in his thirty-seventh year, his disease had sapped his strength, and he recognized that his end was approaching. Having exhorted his sons and nobles in words which are often inscribed on representations of the holy man, “Be just: love the poor and the Lord will give peace to your lands”, Bd Amadeus rendered up his soul to God on March 30, 1472. He was beatified in 1677.

See the Acta Sanctorum, March, vol. iii; J. F. Gonthier, Oeuvres historiques, vol. iii, pp. 95—111 E. Fedelini, Les Bienheureux de la Maison de Savoie (1925).
Duke of Savoy, a model of charity. Amadeus was the son of Duke Louis I of Savoy. He was born in 1435 in Thonon, Savoy and betrothed as an infant to Princess Yolanda, the daughter of Charles VII of France. They were married in 1451, and Amadeus succeeded his father as duke of Savoy.
A victim of epilepsy, he resigned his dukedom around 1471, leaving Yolanda in control. A revolt developed, and Amadeus was imprisoned until King Louis XI of France, Yolanda's brother, secured his release. He died on March 30, 1472, known for his charity and concern for the poor. He was beatified in 1677.

Blessed Amadeus IX of Savoy (AC) Born at Thonon, Savoy, France, 1435; died 1472; beatified in 1677. Amadeus, an epileptic, began his rule as the third duke of Savoy in 1455. His reign was such that he endeared himself to his subjects. His wife, Yolande, the virtuous daughter of the king of France, governed in his place when he was making devotions. Eventually, he was compelled to resign in favor of his wife, possibly because of the severity of his condition. Immediately after his death he was proclaimed a saint by his former subjects, and selected as the patron of the royal house of Savoy, of whom he was an ancestor (Attwater2, Benedictines, Encyclopedia).
In art, he is portrayed as a prince dispersing alms, with a purse and scroll on which diligite pauperis is inscribed. He is invoked against epilepsy (Roeder).

18th v. Saint Sophronius, Bishop of Irkutsk and Wonderworker of all Siberia
His family name was Kristalevsky, was born in Malorussia in the Chernigov region in 1704. His father, Nazarius, was "a common man in his affairs, and the saint was named Stephen, in honor of the protomartyr St Stephen. He had two brothers and a sister, Pelagia. The name of one brother was Paul. The name of the other older brother is unknown, but it is said that he was head of the Krasnogorsk Zolotonosh monastery.

Stephen's childhood years were spent in the settlement of Berezan in the Pereyaslavl district of the Poltava governance, where the family settled after the father was discharged from service. When he came of age, Stephen entered the Kiev Theological Academy, where two other future hierarchs were studying: Joasaph, future Bishop of Belgorod (September 4 and December 10), and Paul, future Metropolitan of Tobolsk (June 10 and November 4).

After completing his religious education, Stephen entered the Krasnogorsk Transfiguration monastery (later renamed the Protection monastery. In 1789, it was transformed into a women's monastery), where his elder brother already labored in asceticism. On April 23, 1730 he received monastic tonsure with the name of Sophronius, in honor of St Sophronius of Jerusalem (March 11).

On the night after his monastic tonsure, St Sophronius heard a Voice in the Protection church predicting his future service: "When you become bishop, build a church dedicated to All Saints."

In 1732, he was summoned to Kiev. There he was ordained hierodeacon, and then hieromonk in the cathedral of Holy Wisdom. After St Sophronius had been a monk for two years, he became treasurer of the Zolotonosh monastery for two years, and then His Grace Bishop Arsenius (Berlov) of the Pereyaslavl diocese sent him into the house of his archbishop, where he was steward for eight years.

These facts testify to the connections of the saint with his original Protection monastery. During his obedience under the presiding hierarch at Pereyaslavl, he often visited his monastery, spending the day in quiet contemplation and work, serving as an example to the brethren.

When Hieromonk Sophronius traveled to the Holy Synod on behalf of his bishop, they paid close attention to him. In January 1742, the future saint was transferred to the St Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St Peterburg, the foremost monastery of the capital. A year later he was appointed treasurer of the monastery, and in 1746 he was appointed as Superior of the monastery.

He summoned his fellow countryman, the hieromonk Sinesios (Ivanoff), a native of the city of Priluki, and made him igumen of the St Sergius Hermitage, a dependancy of St Alexander Nevsky Lavra. From this time the friendship of the two ascetics, hieromonk Sophronius and hieromonk Sinesios, was strengthened by their joint pastoral effort, and they were inseparable until they died in Siberia.

During these years St Sophronius worked hard at managing the monastery and improvement of teaching at the seminary located nearby. He and Archbishop Theodosius made it their task to acquire more books for the monastic library.

St Sophronius built a two storey church: the upper church was dedicated to St Theodore, the older brother of St Alexander Nevsky; and the lower to St John Chrysostom.

Bishop Innocent II (Nerunovich) of Irkutsk died in 1747. For six years afterwards, the Irkutsk diocese remained without a spiritual head.

Finally, on February 23, 1753, the empress Elizabeth (1741-1761) recommended the pious Igumen Sophronius of the Alexander Nevsky monastery to the Holy Synod as "a person, not only worthy of episcopal rank, but also someone completely able to fulfill the wishes and the hopes of the state and the Synod, and take up the burden of episcopal service on the far frontier and satisfy the needs of his flock in that harsh land, among wild primitives and lawless people."

On April 18, 1753, Thomas Sunday, Hieromonk Sophronius was consecrated Bishop of Irkutsk and Nerchinsk in the Dormition cathedral.

Foreseeing difficult service on the distant Siberian frontier, the new bishop did not immediately travel to the Irkutsk eparchy, but rather began to gather educated and spiritually experienced co-workers. During this period St Sophronius visited at his original Krasnogorsk monastery. At the holy places of Kiev, he also sought the blessings of the Kiev Caves Saints for his service. The constant companion of the saint, as had been before, was the hieromonk Sinesios, sharing in his friend's work.

At Moscow, Archbishop Platon of Moscow and Sevsk provided him with further assistance. He gave him fatherly advice for his task, since he was quite familiar with the peculiarities of the Siberian religious life. He forewarned him about the self-willed local authorities, and advised him to surround himself with trustworthy helpers.

On March 20, 1754 the saint arrived at Irkutsk. He went first to the Ascension monastery, his predecessor's residence, and prayed at the grave of Bishop Innocent (Kulchitz), asking his blessing as he took up his assignment.

Familiarizing himself with the state of affairs in the diocese, the saint began the reorganization of the Spiritual consistory, monasteries and parishes, and appealed to the Holy Synod to send worthy men to the Irkutsk eparchy for priestly service.

Before the arrival of St Sophronius, the Irkutsk monasteries had already a century-old history. The founders of these monasteries were motivated by a fervent desire for monastic life. The wise hierarch appointed people of piety, wisdom, virtue, and with great experience both of life and spiritual matters as heads of the monastic communities. In 1754, Bishop Sophronius elevated his friend and companion Hieromonk Sinesios to be Archimandrite of Ascension monastery. He served the monastery for thirty-three years until his blessed repose.

In September 1754, the bishop issued a decree in which he expressed concern for the education and upbringing of the children of the clergy. He wanted them to learn the HOROLOGION, the PSALTER, singing and letters, and this instruction "ought to be conducted with all industriousness and the utmost diligence, so that the children might be able to fulfill the responsibilities of sacristan and deacon."

Studying both people and circumstances, the bishop in his sermons and conversations exhorted all to a higher moral ideal. He devoted particular attention to the reverent and correct performance of the divine services and the Holy Mysteries, and he also looked after the moral purity of laymen. He was concerned about the position of women in the family, and defended them against their unjust inequality. The bishop attempted to set straight the Rule of divine services, and so he summoned priests, deacons, subdeacons and sacristans, and those who sang in the choir during services.

Traveling about the diocese, the saint noticed that censing and the ringing of bells were not being done properly in all places, and therefore he issued a decree restoring the proper way of censing and bell-ringing.
Called to apostolic service in this frontier region, St Sophronius realized that his duty was to enlighten the Christians of the area, and also to convert the idol-worshippers, who were very numerous in Siberia.  It was difficult to bring pagans to the Church of Christ, especially because sometimes there was no one to serve in the churches, and to borrow priests for missionary activity only made matters worse. Knowing that the Church services would have a salutary effect on non-Russians, the saint not only served with reverence himself, but also required it of all his clergy.
St Sophronius also contributed to the development of a stable culture among the local people.
He offered them monastic lands for settlements and in every way he endeavored to isolate them from the influence of paganism. A constant throng of visitors came from faraway places for his blessing.

Even with his many cares, he did not forget his own spiritual life and eternity. He also led an ascetical life. His cell-attendant said that the saint "used simple food in small quantities. He served often, spent the greater part of the night at prayer, sleeping on the floor under a sheepskin or a fur, a deerskin or bear hide, and a small simple pillow.

The spirit of his ascetic life fit in with the general uplifting of the Christian spirit in Russia after the glorification of St Demetrius of Rostov (September 21), Theodosius of Chernigov (September 9), and the uncovering of the incorrupt relics of his predecessor, St Innocent of Irkutsk (February 9). This event inspired St Sophronius to greater efforts and encouraged him to ask for the help of St Innocent in his task of building up the diocese.

Until the end of his days St Sophronius kept his love for the Krasnogor Zolotonosh monastery, which had nurtured him in the days of his youth. He constantly contributed support for its upkeep, sending the necessary means for this.

Noticing a deterioration in his health, St Sophronius petitioned the Holy Synod to let him retire. The answer from Peterburg did not come right away, since it was difficult to choose a worthy successor.

The final days of St Sophronius' s life were spent in asceticism and prayer.

The light, which shone on the good deeds of St Sophronius, continues to the present time to testify to the glory of the Heavenly Father, "Who mercifully strengthens His saints." Now the holy memory of St Sophronius is reverently preserved not only in Siberia at the place of his final deeds, but also at the place of his first deeds.
St Sophronius is also commemorated on June 30 (his glorification in 1918).
1684 Saint Zacharie, évêque de Corinthe, Néomartyr grec
Le hiéromartyr (prêtre martyr) Zacharie, évêque de Corinthe, souffrit pour le Christ sous les Turcs en 1684. Les Turc-musulmans l'accusèrent de correspondre secrètement avec les Français, auxquels le saint aurait soit-disant promis d'aider à s'emparer de la ville. Les musulmans se jettèrent avec rage sur l'évêque Chrétien et, entravé de chaînes et couverts de coups, ils l'emmenèrent au procès. Le juge, sans l'interroger, exigea que Saint Zacharie accepte l'Islam et, à la réponse négative de l'évêque, il ordonna de le battre sans pitié. Ils enfermèrent alors le confesseur du Christ en prison, où les fanatiques mahometans ne cessèrent pas de le battre et de le martyriser. Le hiéromartyr Zacharie fut décapité le troisième dimanche suivant le dimanche de la Vénération de la Croix.

1684 Zacharie saint, bishop of Corinth, Greek Néomartyr
The hiéromartyr (priest martyr) Zacharie, bishop of Corinth, suffered for Christ under the Turks in 1684. The Turk-Moslems showed it to correspond secretly with the French, to which the saint be-saying would have promised to help to seize the city. The Moslems jettèrent themselves with rage on the Chrétien bishop and, blocked chains and forks and spoons of blows, they took it along to the lawsuit. The judge, without questioning it, required that Saint Zacharie accept Islam and, with the negative answer of the bishop, it ordered to beat it without pity. They then locked up the confessor of Christ in prison, where the fanatics mahometans did not cease beating it and of the martyriser. The hiéromartyr Zacharie was decapitated third Sunday following Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross.

1890 St. Leonard Muraildo Priest Founder Congregation of St. Joseph. He was born in Turin, Italy, and was a leader in Catholic social work for social justice like Saints John Bosco Joseph Cafasso Joseph Cottolengo. Leonard was beatified in 1963 and canonized in 1970.

Leonardo Murialdo, Priest (AC) Born in Turin, Italy, in 1828; died 1900; beatified in 1963; canonized in 1970 by Pope Paul VI; the Salesians celebrate his feast on May 18. Saint Leonard was a prophet: Conservative Catholics in his time condemned him as a "socialist" because he advocated for an eight-hour workday in 1885.
His work for social justice placed him squarely in line with other luminaries of his time: Saints John Bosco, Joseph Cafasso, and Joseph Cottolengo.
Saint Leonard was ordained in 1851, and then devoted himself to the education of working-class boys at the Oratory of Saint Louis, fostered by John Bosco. After a short time at Saint-Sulpice in Paris in 1865, he was rector of a Christian college of further education and technical training in Turin.  
He founded the Congregation of Saint Joseph to ensure the continuation of his work with young apprentices. He also promoted the Catholic Workers' Movement through the newspaper La voce dell'Operaio and the monthly La buona Stampa. He also established a national federation to improve the standards of the press in Italy.
At a goodly age, he died peacefully in his hometown and was buried in the Church of Santa Barbara there. At his canonization, the pope stressed that he was honored both for his personal holiness and for the social activities inspired by his virtue (Benedictines, Farmer).

1943 Blessed Maria Restituta Kafka  devotion to the materially and socially poor avid opponent of Nazis sentenced to death by Martin Borman M (AC)
(also known as Helena Kafka) Born at Brno, Czech Republic, May 10, 1894; died in Vienna, Austria, March 30, 1943; beatified June 21, 1998.
Blessed Maria Restituta Kafka, baptized Helena, was the sixth daughter of a shoemaker. Her family moved to Vienna, Austria, where she grew up and worked as a salesgirl, then as a nurse, which brought her into contact with the Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity (Hartmannschwestern).

Impressed by their lives, she joined the congregation in 1914 and took the name Restituta. After her novitiate, she was a surgical nurse for twenty years, during which she gained a particular reputation for her devotion to the materially and socially poor.

After the Anschluss, when Austria was united to Germany, Sister Restituta was vocal in her opposition to Nazism and Hitler, whom she called a "madman." Her first personal encounter with the Nazis occurred when she hung a crucifix in every room of a new hospital wing. The Nazis demanded that they or Sister Restituta be removed; neither were. Her community declared that Sister Restituta was irreplaceable.

The blessed nun was arrested and, on October 28, 1942, sentenced to death for "aiding and abetting the enemy in the betrayal of the fatherland and for plotting high treason" because she had hung the crucifixes and allegedly written a poem that mocked the Nazi leader. Sister Restituta was later offered her freedom in exchange for leaving the order. She refused. Martin Bormann expressly rejected the requested commutation of her sentence with the words: "I think the execution of the death penalty is necessary for effective intimidation." For the next five month, Blessed Maria Restituta tended to the needs of others in prison. On March 30, 1943, the sentence of decapitation was executed (L'Osservatore Romano English Edition).

Commemoration of the Archangel Gabriel the Announcer.
On this day, the church commemorates of the Archangel Gabriel the announcer, for his honor is great with God, he was worthy to announce the birth of His only begotten Son to the Virgin St. Mary. He also foretold Daniel the prophet about the return of the people of Israel from exile, about the first coming of Christ, to Whome is the glory, for the salvation of the world, and also about the end of the animal sacrifices. For what God had done for us through him it is meet for us to honor and venerate him. May his intercession be with us. Amen.

Commemoration of the Transfer of the Relics of St. James, known as the Mangled.
On this day also, is the commemoration of the relocation of the relics of St. James (James the mangled). His biography and martyrdom are mentioned under the 27th day of the month of Hatour May his prayers be with us. Amen.

Commemoration of Samson, One of the Judges of Israel.
On this day also, is the commemoration of Samson, one of the Judges of Israel. The name of the father of this righteous was Manoah from the tribe of Dan, and his mother was barren. The angel of the Lord appeared to her and announced her of his birth, and commanded her not to drink wine nor to eat unclean food all the days of her pregnancy. The angel also commanded her that no razor should come on his head, for the child was to be a Nazirite (dedicated) unto God from the womb, and that he would deliver Israel out of the hands of the Philistines.

When she told her husband about what the angel had said to her, her husband asked God to allow the angel to appear to him. The angel appeared, and said to him: "All that I commanded your wife let her observe." The woman conceived, and gave birth to Samson, and God blessed him and the Spirit of God filled him. At one time, he tore a lion apart as one would tear a young goat, and on another time, he killed thirty men and burned their fields. The Philistines rose against the tribe of Judah to fight and seize Samson, but Samson told the men of Judah: "Swear to me that you will not deliver me to them or kill me yourselves." They said to him: "No, but we will tie you securely and deliver you into their hands. We surely shall not kill you." They bound him with two new cords and brought him to the Philistines, who jumped upon him to kill him. The Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him, and the strong cords that were on his arms became as flax that were burnt with fire, and his bonds broke loose off his hands. He found a fresh jaw-bone of an ass, reached out and took it with his hand and killed a thousand men with it. Then he became very thirsty, he cried out to the Lord and said: "You have given this great deliverance by the hands of you servant, and now shall I die from thirst... ?" The all mighty God then split a hollow place and water came out. He drank and his spirit returned, and he survived. When he was in Gaza, the Philistines surrounded the place and laid wait for him all the night at the gate of the city to capture and kill him. Samson arose at midnight, took hold of the doors of the gate, pulled them up, put them on his shoulders, and carried them to the top of the hill. The Philistines came to his wife, Delilah, and asked her to entice Samson to find out the secret of his strength. When Samson told her that the secret was in his hair, for he was a Nazirite Dedicated unto God). She told his enemies, lulled him to sleep on her knees, and called for a man to shave off the seven locks of hair off his head. She began to afflict him, as his strength went from him. The Philistines took him to their city, insulted him, and plucked out his eyes.

His hair grew again, and his strength came back to him. He went to the temple of their idol, and took hold of the two middle pillars which supported the temple. Samson leaned with all his strength on the two pillars and said: "Let me die with the Philistines." The temple fell on three thousands of the Philistine people and their lords killing them all. So the dead that he killed on his death were more than he killed in his life. He judged for the people of Israel twenty years, then departed in peace.  To our God is the glory for ever, Amen.


I will give praise to thee, O Lady, with my whole soul: I will glorify thee with my whole mind.

The works of thy grace will remain: and the testament of thy mercy before the throne of God.

By thee redemption has been sent from God: the repentant people shall have the hope of salvation.

A good understanding to all who honor thee: and their lot is among the angels of peace.

Glorious and admirable is thy name: those who keep it will not fear in the moment of death.

Let every spirit praise Our Lady

Rejoice, ye Heavens, and be glad, O Earth: because Mary will console her servants and will have mercy on her poor.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost as it was in the beginning and will always be.

God loves variety. He doesn't mass-produce his saints. Every saint is unique, for each is the result of a new idea.  As the liturgy says: Non est inventus similis illis--there are no two exactly alike. It is we with our lack of imagination, who paint the same haloes on all the saints. Dear Lord, grant us a spirit that is not bound by our own ideas and preferences.  Grant that we may be able to appreciate in others what we lack in ourselves.
O Lord, grant that we may understand that every saint must be a unique praise of Your glory. Catholic saints are holy people and human people who lived extraordinary lives.  Each saint the Church honors responded to God's invitation to use his or her unique gifts.   God calls each one of us to be a saint in order to get into heavenonly saints are allowed into heaven. The more "extravagant" graces are bestowed NOT for the benefit of the recipients so much as FOR the benefit of others.
There are over 10,000 named saints beati  from history
 and Roman Martyology Orthodox sources

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The great psalm of the Passion, Chapter 22, whose first verse “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”
Jesus pronounced on the cross, ended with the vision: “All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord;
and all the families of the nations shall worship before him
For kingship belongs to the LORD, the ruler over the nations. All who sleep in the earth will bow low before God; All who have gone down into the dust will kneel in homage. And I will live for the LORD; my descendants will serve you. The generation to come will be told of the Lord, that they may proclaim to a people yet unborn the deliverance you have brought.
Pope Benedict XVI to The Catholic Church In China {whole article here} 2000 years of the Catholic Church in China
The saints “a cloud of witnesses over our head”, showing us life of Christian perfection is possible.

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Saint Frances Xavier Seelos  Practical Guide to Holiness
1. Go to Mass with deepest devotion. 2. Spend a half hour to reflect upon your main failing & make resolutions to avoid it.
3. Do daily spiritual reading for at least 15 minutes, if a half hour is not possible.  4. Say the rosary every day.
5. Also daily, if at all possible, visit the Blessed Sacrament; toward evening, meditate on the Passion of Christ for a half hour, 6.  Conclude the day with evening prayer & an examination of conscience over all the faults & sins of the day.
7.  Every month make a review of the month in confession.
8. Choose a special patron every month & imitate that patron in some special virtue.
9. Precede every great feast with a novena that is nine days of devotion. 10. Try to begin & end every activity with a Hail Mary

My God, I believe, I adore, I trust and I love Thee.  I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not
O most Holy trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly.  I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the Tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which He is offended, and by the infite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  I beg the conversion of poor sinners,  Fatima Prayer, Angel of Peace
The voice of the Father is heard, the Son enters the water, and the Holy Spirit appears in the form of a dove.
THE spirit and example of the world imperceptibly instil the error into the minds of many that there is a kind of middle way of going to Heaven; and so, because the world does not live up to the gospel, they bring the gospel down to the level of the world. It is not by this example that we are to measure the Christian rule, but words and life of Christ. All His followers are commanded to labour to become perfect even as our heavenly Father is perfect, and to bear His image in our hearts that we may be His children. We are obliged by the gospel to die to ourselves by fighting self-love in our hearts, by the mastery of our passions, by taking on the spirit of our Lord.
   These are the conditions under which Christ makes His promises and numbers us among His children, as is manifest from His words which the apostles have left us in their inspired writings. Here is no distinction made or foreseen between the apostles or clergy or religious and secular persons. The former, indeed, take upon themselves certain stricter obligations, as a means of accomplishing these ends more perfectly; but the law of holiness and of disengagement of the heart from the world is general and binds all the followers of Christ.
God loves variety. He doesn't mass-produce his saints. Every saint is unique each the result of a new idea.
As the liturgy says: Non est inventus similis illis--there are no two exactly alike.
It is we with our lack of imagination, who paint the same haloes on all the saints.

Dear Lord, grant us a spirit not bound by our own ideas and preferences.
Grant that we may be able to appreciate in others what we lack in ourselves.

O Lord, grant that we may understand that every saint must be a unique praise of Your glory.
Catholic saints are holy people and human people who lived extraordinary lives.
Each saint the Church honors responded to God's invitation to use his or her unique gifts.
The 15 Promises of the Virgin Mary to those who recite the Rosary ) Revealed to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan)
1.    Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall receive signal graces. 2.    I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary. 3.    The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies. 4.    It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of people from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things.  Oh, that soul would sanctify them by this means.  5.    The soul that recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary shall not perish. 6.    Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying themselves to the consideration of its Sacred Mysteries shall never be conquered by misfortune.  God will not chastise them in His justice, they shall not perish by an unprovided death; if they be just, they shall remain in the grace of God, and become worthy of eternal life. 7.    Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the Sacraments of the Church. 8.    Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plentitude of His graces; at the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the Saints in Paradise. 9.    I shall deliver from purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary. 10.    The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in Heaven.  11.    You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary. 12.    I shall aid all those who propagate the Holy Rosary in their necessities. 13.    I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of death. 14.    All who recite the Rosary are my children, and brothers and sisters of my only Son, Jesus Christ. 15.    Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.
His Holiness Aram I, current (2013) Catholicos of Cilicia of Armenians, whose See is located in Lebanese town of Antelias. The Catholicosate was founded in Sis, capital of Cilicia, in the year 1441 following the move of the Catholicosate of All Armenians back to its original See of Etchmiadzin in Armenia. The Catholicosate of Cilicia enjoyed local jurisdiction, though spiritually subject to the authority of Etchmiadzin. In 1921 the See was transferred to Aleppo in Syria, and in 1930 to Antelias.
Its jurisdiction currently extends to Syria, Cyprus, Iran and Greece.
Aramaic dialect of Edessa, now known as Syriac
The exact date of the introduction of Christianity into Edessa {Armenian Ourhaï in Arabic Er Roha, commonly Orfa or Urfa, its present name} is not known. It is certain, however, that the Christian community was at first made up from the Jewish population of the city. According to an ancient legend, King Abgar V, Ushana, was converted by Addai, who was one of the seventy-two disciples. In fact, however, the first King of Edessa to embrace the Christian Faith was Abgar IX (c. 206) becoming official kingdom religion.
Christian council held at Edessa early as 197 (Eusebius, Hist. Ecc7V,xxiii).
In 201 the city was devastated by a great flood, and the Christian church was destroyed (“Chronicon Edessenum”, ad. an. 201).
In 232 the relics of the Apostle St. Thomas were brought from India, on which occasion his Syriac Acts were written.

Under Roman domination martyrs suffered at Edessa: Sts. Scharbîl and Barsamya, under Decius; Sts. Gûrja, Schâmôna, Habib, and others under Diocletian.
In the meanwhile Christian priests from Edessa evangelized Eastern Mesopotamia and Persia, established the first Churches in the kingdom of the Sassanides.  Atillâtiâ, Bishop of Edessa, assisted at the Council of Nicæa (325). The “Peregrinatio Silviæ” (or Etheriæ) (ed. Gamurrini, Rome, 1887, 62 sqq.) gives an account of the many sanctuaries at Edessa about 388.
Although Hebrew had been the language of the ancient Israelite kingdom, after their return from Exile the Jews turned more and more to Aramaic, using it for parts of the books of Ezra and Daniel in the Bible. By the time of Jesus, Aramaic was the main language of Palestine, and quite a number of texts from the Dead Sea Scrolls are also written in Aramaic.
Aramaic continued to be an important language for Jews, alongside Hebrew, and parts of the Talmud are written in it.
After Arab conquests of the seventh century, Arabic quickly replaced Aramaic as the main language of those who converted to Islam, although in out of the way places, Aramaic continued as a vernacular language of Muslims.
Aramaic, however, enjoyed its greatest success in Christianity. Although the New Testament wins written in Greek, Christianity had come into existence in an Aramaic-speaking milieu, and it was the Aramaic dialect of Edessa, now known as Syriac, that became the literary language of a large number of Christians living in the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire and in the Persian Empire, further east. Over the course of the centuries the influence of the Syriac Churches spread eastwards to China (in Xian, in western China, a Chinese-Syriac inscription dated 781 is still to be seen); to southern India where the state of Kerala can boast more Christians of Syriac liturgical tradition than anywhere else in the world.

680 Shiite saint Imam Hussein, grandson of Islam's Prophet Muhammad Known as Ashoura and observed by Shiites across the world, the 10th day of the lunar Muslim month of Muharram: the anniversary of the 7th century death in battle of one of Shiite Islam's most beloved saints.  Imam Hussein died in the 680 A.D. battle fought on the plains outside Karbala, a city in modern Iraq that's home to the saint's shrine.  The battle over a dispute about the leadership of the Muslim faith following Muhammad's death in 632 A.D. It is the defining event in Islam's split into Sunni and Shiite branches.  The occasion is the source of an enduring moral lesson. "He sacrificed his blood to teach us not to give in to corruption, coercion, or use of force and to seek honor and justice."  According to Shiite beliefs, Hussein and companions were denied water by enemies who controlled the nearby Euphrates.  Streets get partially covered with blood from slaughter of hundreds of cows and sheep. Volunteers cook the meat and feed it to the poor.  Hussein's martyrdom recounted through a rich body of prose, poetry and song remains an inspirational example of sacrifice to many Shiites, 10 percent of the world's estimated 1.3 billion Muslims.
Meeting of the Saints  walis (saints of Allah)
Great men covet to embrace martyrdom for a cause and principle.
So was the case with Hazrat Ali. He could have made a compromise with the evil forces of his time and, as a result, could have led a very comfortable, easy and luxurious life.  But he was not a person who would succumb to such temptations. His upbringing, his education and his training in the lap of the holy Prophet made him refuse such an offer.
Rabia Al-Basri (717–801 C.E.) She was first to set forth the doctrine of mystical love and who is widely considered to be the most important of the early Sufi poets. An elderly Shia pointed out that during his pre-Partition childhood it was quite common to find pictures and portraits of Shia icons in Imambaras across the country.
Shah Abdul Latif: The Exalted Sufi Master born 1690 in a Syed family; died 1754. In ancient times, Sindh housed the exemplary Indus Valley Civilisation with Moenjo Daro as its capital, and now, it is the land of a culture which evolved from the teachings of eminent Sufi saints. Pakistan is home to the mortal remains of many Sufi saints, the exalted among them being Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai, a practitioner of the real Islam, philosopher, poet, musicologist and preacher. He presented his teaching through poetry and music - both instruments sublime - and commands a very large following, not only among Muslims but also among Hindus and Christians. Sindh culture: The Shah is synonymous with Sindh. He is the very fountainhead of Sindh's culture. His message remains as fresh as that of any present day poet, and the people of Sindh find solace from his writings. He did indeed think for Sindh. One of his prayers, in exquisite Sindhi, translates thus: “Oh God, may ever You on Sindh bestow abundance rare! Beloved! All the world let share Thy grace, and fruitful be.”
Shia Ali al-Hadi, died 868 and son Hassan al-Askari 874. These saints are the 10th and 11th of Shia's 12 most revered Imams. Baba Farid Sufi 1398 miracle, Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki renowned Muslim Sufi saint scholar miracles 569 A.H. [1173 C.E.] hermit gave to poor, Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti greatest mystic of his time born 533 Hijri (1138-39 A.D.), Hazrat Ghuas-e Azam, Hazrat Bu Ali Sharif, and Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia Sufi Saint Hazrath Khwaja Syed Mohammed Badshah Quadri Chisty Yamani Quadeer (RA)
1236-1325 welcomed people of all faiths & all walks of life.
801 Rabi'a al-'Adawiyya Sufi One of the most famous Islamic mystics
(b. 717). This 8th century saint was an early Sufi who had a profound influence on later Sufis, who in turn deeply influenced the European mystical love and troubadour traditions.  Rabi'a was a woman of Basra, a seaport in southern Iraq.  She was born around 717 and died in 801 (185-186).  Her biographer, the great medieval poet Attar, tells us that she was "on fire with love and longing" and that men accepted her "as a second spotless Mary" (186).  She was, he continues, “an unquestioned authority to her contemporaries" (218).
Rabi'a began her ascetic life in a small desert cell near Basra, where she lost herself in prayer and went straight to God for teaching.  As far as is known, she never studied under any master or spiritual director.  She was one of the first of the Sufis to teach that Love alone was the guide on the mystic path (222).  A later Sufi taught that there were two classes of "true believers": one class sought a master as an intermediary between them and God -- unless they could see the footsteps of the Prophet on the path before them, they would not accept the path as valid.  The second class “...did not look before them for the footprint of any of God's creatures, for they had removed all thought of what He had created from their hearts, and concerned themselves solely with God. (218)
Rabi'a was of this second kind.  She felt no reverence even for the House of God in Mecca:  "It is the Lord of the house Whom I need; what have I to do with the house?" (219) One lovely spring morning a friend asked her to come outside to see the works of God.  She replied, "Come you inside that you may behold their Maker.  Contemplation of the Maker has turned me aside from what He has made" (219).  During an illness, a friend asked this woman if she desired anything.
"...[H]ow can you ask me such a question as 'What do I desire?'  I swear by the glory of God that for twelve years I have desired fresh dates, and you know that in Basra dates are plentiful, and I have not yet tasted them.  I am a servant (of God), and what has a servant to do with desire?" (162)
When a male friend once suggested she should pray for relief from a debilitating illness, she said,
"O Sufyan, do you not know Who it is that wills this suffering for me?  Is it not God Who wills it?  When you know this, why do you bid me ask for what is contrary to His will?  It is not  well to oppose one's Beloved." (221)
She was an ascetic.  It was her custom to pray all night, sleep briefly just before dawn, and then rise again just as dawn "tinged the sky with gold" (187).  She lived in celibacy and poverty, having renounced the world.  A friend visited her in old age and found that all she owned were a reed mat, screen, a pottery jug, and a bed of felt which doubled as her prayer-rug (186), for where she prayed all night, she also slept briefly in the pre-dawn chill.  Once her friends offered to get her a servant; she replied,
"I should be ashamed to ask for the things of this world from Him to Whom the world belongs, and how should I ask for them from those to whom it does not belong?"  (186-7)
A wealthy merchant once wanted to give her a purse of gold.  She refused it, saying that God, who sustains even those who dishonor Him, would surely sustain her, "whose soul is overflowing with love" for Him.  And she added an ethical concern as well:
"...How should I take the wealth of someone of whom I do not know whether he acquired it lawfully or not?" (187)
She taught that repentance was a gift from God because no one could repent unless God had already accepted him and given him this gift of repentance.  She taught that sinners must fear the punishment they deserved for their sins, but she also offered such sinners far more hope of Paradise than most other ascetics did.  For herself, she held to a higher ideal, worshipping God neither from fear of Hell nor from hope of Paradise, for she saw such self-interest as unworthy of God's servants; emotions like fear and hope were like veils -- i.e., hindrances to the vision of God Himself.  The story is told that once a number of Sufis saw her hurrying on her way with water in one hand and a burning torch in the other.  When they asked her to explain, she said:
"I am going to light a fire in Paradise and to pour water on to Hell, so that both veils may vanish altogether from before the pilgrims and their purpose may be sure..." (187-188)
She was once asked where she came from.  "From that other world," she said.  "And where are you going?" she was asked.  "To that other world," she replied (219).  She taught that the spirit originated with God in "that other world" and had to return to Him in the end.  Yet if the soul were sufficiently purified, even on earth, it could look upon God unveiled in all His glory and unite with him in love.  In this quest, logic and reason were powerless.  Instead, she speaks of the "eye" of her heart which alone could apprehend Him and His mysteries (220).
Above all, she was a lover, a bhakti, like one of Krishna’s Goptis in the Hindu tradition.  Her hours of prayer were not so much devoted to intercession as to communion with her Beloved.  Through this communion, she could discover His will for her.  Many of her prayers have come down to us:
       "I have made Thee the Companion of my heart,
        But my body is available for those who seek its company,
        And my body is friendly towards its guests,
        But the Beloved of my heart is the Guest of my soul."  [224]

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Mother Angelica saving souls is this beautiful womans journey  Shrine_of_The_Most_Blessed_Sacrament
Colombia was among the countries Mother Angelica visited. 
In Bogotá, a Salesian priest - Father Juan Pablo Rodriguez - brought Mother and the nuns to the Sanctuary of the Divine Infant Jesus to attend Mass.  After Mass, Father Juan Pablo took them into a small Shrine which housed the miraculous statue of the Child Jesus. Mother Angelica stood praying at the side of the statue when suddenly the miraculous image came alive and turned towards her.  Then the Child Jesus spoke with the voice of a young boy:  “Build Me a Temple and I will help those who help you.” 

Thus began a great adventure that would eventually result in the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament, a Temple dedicated to the Divine Child Jesus, a place of refuge for all. Use this link to read a remarkable story about
The Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Father Reardon, Editor of The Catholic Bulletin for 14 years Lover of the poor; A very Holy Man of God.
Monsignor Reardon Protonotarius Apostolicus
Pastor 42 years BASILICA OF SAINT MARY Minneapolis MN
America's First Basilica Largest Nave in the World
August 7, 1907-ground broke for the foundation
by Archbishop Ireland-laying cornerstone May 31, 1908
James M. Reardon Publication History of Basilica of Saint Mary 1600-1932
James M. Reardon Publication  History of the Basilica of Saint Mary 1955 {update}

Brief History of our Beloved Holy Priest Here and his published books of Catholic History in North America
Reardon, J.M. Archbishop Ireland; Prelate, Patriot, Publicist, 1838-1918.
A Memoir (St. Paul; 1919); George Anthony Belcourt Pioneer Catholic Missionary of the Northwest 1803-1874 (1955);
The Catholic Church IN THE DIOCESE OF ST. PAUL from earliest origin to centennial achievement
1362-1950 (1952);

The Church of Saint Mary of Saint Paul 1875-1922;
The Vikings in the American Heartland;
The Catholic Total Abstinence Society in Minnesota;
James Michael Reardon Born in Nova Scotia, 1872;  Priest, ordained by Bishop Ireland;
Member -- St. Paul Seminary faculty.
Affiliations and Indulgence Litany of Loretto in Stained glass windows here.  Nave Sacristy and Residence Here
spaces between them filled with grilles of hand-forged wrought iron the
life of our Blessed Lady After the crucifixon
Apostle statues Replicas of those in St John Lateran--Christendom's earliest Basilica.
Ordered by Rome's first Christian Emperor, Constantine the Great, Popes' cathedral and official residence first millennium of Christian history.

The only replicas ever made:  in order from west to east {1932}.
Every Christian must be a living book wherein one can read the teaching of the gospel
It Makes No Sense
Not To Believe In GOD
  June 19, Trinity Sunday, 1991: Ordained Catholic Priest under Pope John Paul II;
then 2,000,000 miles delivering the Gospel to millions, and continues to do so.
By Father John Corapi
  June 19, Trinity Sunday, 1991: Ordained Catholic Priest under Pope John Paul II;
then 2,000,000 miles delivering the Gospel to millions, and continues to do so.
By Father John Corapi
Among the most important titles we have in the Catholic Church for the Blessed Virgin Mary are Our Lady of Victory and Our Lady of the Rosary. These titles can be traced back to one of the most decisive times in the history of the world and Christendom. The Battle of Lepanto took place on October 7 (date of feast of Our Lady of Rosary), 1571. This proved to be the most crucial battle for the Christian forces against the radical Muslim navy of Turkey. Pope Pius V led a procession around St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City praying the Rosary. He showed true pastoral leadership in recognizing the danger posed to Christendom by the radical Muslim forces, and in using the means necessary to defeat it. Spiritual battles require spiritual weapons, and this more than anything was a battle that had its origins in the spiritual order—a true battle between good and evil.

Today we have a similar spiritual battle in progress—a battle between the forces of good and evil, light and darkness, truth and lies, life and death. If we do not soon stop the genocide of abortion in the United States, we shall run the course of all those that prove by their actions that they are enemies of God—total collapse, economic, social, and national. The moral demise of a nation results in the ultimate demise of a nation. God is not a disinterested spectator to the affairs of man. Life begins at conception. This is an unalterable formal teaching of the Catholic Church. If you do not accept this you are a heretic in plain English. A single abortion is homicide. The more than 48,000,000 abortions since Roe v. Wade in the United States constitute genocide by definition. The group singled out for death—unwanted, unborn children.

No other issue, not all other issues taken together, can constitute a proportionate reason for voting for candidates that intend to preserve and defend this holocaust of innocent human life that is abortion.

As we watch the spectacle of the world seeming to self-destruct before our eyes, we can’t help but be saddened and even frightened by so much evil run rampant. Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Somalia, North Korea—It is all a disaster of epic proportions displayed in living color on our television screens.  These are not ordinary times and this is not business as usual. We are at a crossroads in human history and the time for Catholics and all Christians to act is now. All evil can ultimately be traced to its origin, which is moral evil. All of the political action, peace talks, international peacekeeping forces, etc. will avail nothing if the underlying sickness is not addressed. This is sin. One person at a time hearts and minds must be moved from evil to good, from lies to truth, from violence to peace.
Islam, an Arabic word that has often been defined as “to make peace,” seems like a living contradiction today. Islam is a religion of peace.  As we celebrate the birthday of Our Lady, I am proposing that each one of us pray the Rosary for peace. Prayer is what must precede all other activity if that activity is to have any chance of success. Pray for peace, pray the Rosary every day without fail.  There is a great love for Mary among Muslim people. It is not a coincidence that a little village named Fatima is where God chose to have His Mother appear in the twentieth century. Our Lady’s name appears no less than thirty times in the Koran. No other woman’s name is mentioned, not even that of Mohammed’s daughter, Fatima. In the Koran Our Lady is described as “Virgin, ever Virgin.”

Archbishop Fulton Sheen prophetically spoke of the resurgence of Islam in our day. He said it would be through the Blessed Virgin Mary that Islam would be converted. We must pray for this to happen quickly if we are to avert a horrible time of suffering for this poor, sinful world. Turn to our Mother in this time of great peril. Pray the Rosary every day. Then, and only then will there be peace, when the hearts and minds of men are changed from the inside.
Talk is weak. Prayer is strong. Pray!  God bless you, Father John Corapi

Father Corapi's Biography

Father John Corapi is what has commonly been called a late vocation. In other words, he came to the priesthood other than a young man. He was 44 years old when he was ordained. From small town boy to the Vietnam era US Army, from successful businessman in Las Vegas and Hollywood to drug addicted and homeless, to religious life and ordination to the priesthood by Pope John Paul II, to a life as a preacher of the Gospel who has reached millions with the simple message that God's Name is Mercy!

Father Corapi's academic credentials are quite extensive. He received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Pace University in the seventies. Then as an older man returned to the university classrooms in preparation for his life as a priest and preacher. He received all of his academic credentials for the Church with honors: a Masters degree in Sacred Scripture from Holy Apostles Seminary and Bachelor, Licentiate, and Doctorate degrees in dogmatic theology from the University of Navarre in Spain.

Father John Corapi goes to the heart of the contemporary world's many woes and wars, whether the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, or the Congo, or the natural disasters that seem to be increasing every year, the moral and spiritual war is at the basis of everything. “Our battle is not against human forces,” St. Paul asserts, “but against principalities and powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness...” (Ephesians 6:12). 
The “War to end all wars” is the moral and spiritual combat that rages in the hearts and minds of human beings. The outcome of that  unseen fight largely determines how the battle in the realm of the seen unfolds.  The title talk, “With the Moon Under Her Feet,” is taken from the twelfth chapter of the Book of Revelation, and deals with the current threat to the world from radical Islam, and the Blessed Virgin Mary's role in the ultimate victory that will result in the conversion of Islam. Few Catholics are aware of the connection between Islam, Fatima, and Guadalupe. Presented in Father Corapi's straight-forward style, you will be both inspired and educated by him.

About Father John Corapi.
Father Corapi is a Catholic priest .
The pillars of father's preaching are basically:
Love for and a relationship with the Blessed Virgin Mary 
Leading a vibrant and loving relationship with Jesus Christ
Great love and reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist from Holy Mass to adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
An uncompromising love for and obedience to the Holy Father and the teaching of the Magisterium of the Church

God Bless you on your journey Father John Corapi

Records on life of Father Flanagan, founder of Boys Town, presented at Vatican
Jul 23, 2019 - 03:01 am .- The cause for canonization of Servant of God Edward Flanagan, the priest who founded Nebraska's Boys Town community for orphans and other boys, advanced Monday with the presentation of a summary of records on his life.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen to be beatified
Jul 6, 2019 - 04:00 am .- Pope Francis approved the miracle attributed to Archbishop Fulton Sheen Friday, making possible the American television catechist's beatification.

Brooklyn diocese advances sainthood cause of local priest
Jun 25, 2019 - 03:01 am .- The Bishop of Brooklyn accepted last week the findings of a nine-year diocesan investigation into the life of Monsignor Bernard John Quinn, known for fighting bigotry and serving the African American population, as part of his cause for canonization.

Fr. Augustus Tolton, former African American slave, advances toward sainthood
Jun 12, 2019 - 05:03 am .- Fr. Augustus Tolton advanced along the path to sainthood Wednesday, making the runaway slave-turned-priest one step closer to being the first black American saint.

Pope Francis will beatify these martyred Greek-Catholic bishops in Romania
May 30, 2019 - 03:01 pm .- On Sunday in Blaj, Pope Francis will beatify seven Greek-Catholic bishops of Romania who were killed by the communist regime between 1950 and 1970.
Woman who served Brazil’s poorest to be canonized
May 14, 2019 - 06:53 am .- Pope Francis Tuesday gave his approval for eight sainthood causes to proceed, including that of Bl. Dulce Lopes Pontes, a 20th-century religious sister who served Brazil’s poor.

Seven 20th-century Romanian bishops declared martyrs
Mar 19, 2019 - 12:01 pm .- Pope Francis declared Tuesday the martyrdom of seven Greek-Catholic bishops killed by the communist regime in Romania in the mid-20th century.

Pope advances sainthood causes of 17 women
Jan 15, 2019 - 11:12 am .- Pope Francis approved Tuesday the next step in the canonization causes of 17 women from four countries, including the martyrdom of 14 religious sisters killed in Spain at the start of the Spanish Civil War.
Nineteen Algerian martyrs beatified
Dec 10, 2018 - 03:08 pm .- Bishop Pierre Claverie and his 18 companions, who were martyred in Algeria between 1994 and 1996, were beatified Saturday during a Mass in Oran.

The Algerian martyrs shed their blood for Christ, pope says
Dec 7, 2018 - 10:02 am .- Ahead of the beatification Saturday of Bishop Pierre Claverie and his 18 companions, who were martyred in Algeria between 1994 and 1996, Pope Francis said martyrs have a special place in the Church.
Algerian martyrs are models for the Church, archbishop says
Nov 16, 2018 - 03:01 am .- Archbishop Paul Desfarges of Algiers has said that Bishop Pierre Claverie and his 18 companions, who were martyred in Algeria between 1994 and 1996, are “models for our lives as disciples today and tomorrow.”
Francesco Spinelli to be canonized after healing of a newborn in DR Congo
Oct 9, 2018 - 05:01 pm .- Among those being canonized on Sunday are Fr. Franceso Spinelli, a diocesan priest through whose intercession a newborn was saved from death in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Algerian martyrs to be beatified in December
Sep 14, 2018 - 06:01 pm .- The Algerian bishops' conference has announced that the beatification of Bishop Pierre Claverie and his 18 companions, who were martyred in the country between 1994 and 1996, will be held Dec. 8.

Now a cardinal, Giovanni Angelo Becciu heads to congregation for saints' causes
Jun 28, 2018 - 11:41 am .- Newly-minted Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu will resign from his post as substitute of the Secretariat of State tomorrow, in anticipation of his appointment as prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints later this summer.

Pope Francis creates new path to beatification under ‘offering of life’
Jul 11, 2017 - 06:22 am .- On Tuesday Pope Francis declared a new category of Christian life suitable for consideration of beatification called “offering of life” – in which a person has died prematurely through an offering of their life for love of God and neighbor.
Twentieth century Polish nurse among causes advancing toward sainthood
Jul 7, 2017 - 06:14 am .- Pope Francis on Friday approved a miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Hanna Chrzanowska, a Polish nurse and nursing instructor who died from cancer in 1973, paving the way for her beatification.
Sainthood causes advance, including layman who resisted fascism
Jun 17, 2017 - 09:22 am .- Pope Francis on Friday recognized the heroic virtue of six persons on the path to canonization, as well as the martyrdom of an Italian man who died from injuries of a beating he received while imprisoned in a concentration camp for resisting fascism.
Solanus Casey, Cardinal Van Thuan among those advanced toward sainthood
May 4, 2017 - 10:47 am .- Pope Francis on Thursday approved decrees of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints advancing the causes for canonization of 12 individuals, including the American-born Capuchin Solanus Casey and the Vietnamese cardinal Francis Xavier Nguen Van Thuan.
Pope clears way for canonization of Fatima visionaries
Mar 23, 2017 - 06:44 am .- On Thursday Pope Francis approved the second and final miracle needed to canonize Blessed Francisco and Jacinta Marto, two of the shepherd children who witnessed the Fatima Marian apparitions.
Surgeon and father among sainthood causes moving forward
Feb 27, 2017 - 11:03 am .- Pope Francis recognized on Monday the heroic virtue of eight persons on the path to canonization, including an Italian surgeon and father of eight who suffered from several painful diseases throughout his life.

Records on life of Father Flanagan, founder of Boys Town, presented at Vatican
Jul 23, 2019 - 03:01 am .- The cause for canonization of Servant of God Edward Flanagan, the priest who founded Nebraska's Boys Town community for orphans and other boys, advanced Monday with the presentation of a summary of records on his life.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen to be beatified
Jul 6, 2019 - 04:00 am .- Pope Francis approved the miracle attributed to Archbishop Fulton Sheen Friday, making possible the American television catechist's beatification.

Brooklyn diocese advances sainthood cause of local priest
Jun 25, 2019 - 03:01 am .- The Bishop of Brooklyn accepted last week the findings of a nine-year diocesan investigation into the life of Monsignor Bernard John Quinn, known for fighting bigotry and serving the African American population, as part of his cause for canonization.

Fr. Augustus Tolton, former African American slave, advances toward sainthood
Jun 12, 2019 - 05:03 am .- Fr. Augustus Tolton advanced along the path to sainthood Wednesday, making the runaway slave-turned-priest one step closer to being the first black American saint.

Pope Francis will beatify these martyred Greek-Catholic bishops in Romania
May 30, 2019 - 03:01 pm .- On Sunday in Blaj, Pope Francis will beatify seven Greek-Catholic bishops of Romania who were killed by the communist regime between 1950 and 1970.
Woman who served Brazil’s poorest to be canonized
May 14, 2019 - 06:53 am .- Pope Francis Tuesday gave his approval for eight sainthood causes to proceed, including that of Bl. Dulce Lopes Pontes, a 20th-century religious sister who served Brazil’s poor.

Seven 20th-century Romanian bishops declared martyrs
Mar 19, 2019 - 12:01 pm .- Pope Francis declared Tuesday the martyrdom of seven Greek-Catholic bishops killed by the communist regime in Romania in the mid-20th century.

Pope advances sainthood causes of 17 women
Jan 15, 2019 - 11:12 am .- Pope Francis approved Tuesday the next step in the canonization causes of 17 women from four countries, including the martyrdom of 14 religious sisters killed in Spain at the start of the Spanish Civil War.
Nineteen Algerian martyrs beatified
Dec 10, 2018 - 03:08 pm .- Bishop Pierre Claverie and his 18 companions, who were martyred in Algeria between 1994 and 1996, were beatified Saturday during a Mass in Oran.

The Algerian martyrs shed their blood for Christ, pope says
Dec 7, 2018 - 10:02 am .- Ahead of the beatification Saturday of Bishop Pierre Claverie and his 18 companions, who were martyred in Algeria between 1994 and 1996, Pope Francis said martyrs have a special place in the Church.
Algerian martyrs are models for the Church, archbishop says
Nov 16, 2018 - 03:01 am .- Archbishop Paul Desfarges of Algiers has said that Bishop Pierre Claverie and his 18 companions, who were martyred in Algeria between 1994 and 1996, are “models for our lives as disciples today and tomorrow.”
Francesco Spinelli to be canonized after healing of a newborn in DR Congo
Oct 9, 2018 - 05:01 pm .- Among those being canonized on Sunday are Fr. Franceso Spinelli, a diocesan priest through whose intercession a newborn was saved from death in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Algerian martyrs to be beatified in December
Sep 14, 2018 - 06:01 pm .- The Algerian bishops' conference has announced that the beatification of Bishop Pierre Claverie and his 18 companions, who were martyred in the country between 1994 and 1996, will be held Dec. 8.

Now a cardinal, Giovanni Angelo Becciu heads to congregation for saints' causes
Jun 28, 2018 - 11:41 am .- Newly-minted Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu will resign from his post as substitute of the Secretariat of State tomorrow, in anticipation of his appointment as prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints later this summer.

Pope Francis creates new path to beatification under ‘offering of life’
Jul 11, 2017 - 06:22 am .- On Tuesday Pope Francis declared a new category of Christian life suitable for consideration of beatification called “offering of life” – in which a person has died prematurely through an offering of their life for love of God and neighbor.
Twentieth century Polish nurse among causes advancing toward sainthood
Jul 7, 2017 - 06:14 am .- Pope Francis on Friday approved a miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Hanna Chrzanowska, a Polish nurse and nursing instructor who died from cancer in 1973, paving the way for her beatification.
Sainthood causes advance, including layman who resisted fascism
Jun 17, 2017 - 09:22 am .- Pope Francis on Friday recognized the heroic virtue of six persons on the path to canonization, as well as the martyrdom of an Italian man who died from injuries of a beating he received while imprisoned in a concentration camp for resisting fascism.
Solanus Casey, Cardinal Van Thuan among those advanced toward sainthood
May 4, 2017 - 10:47 am .- Pope Francis on Thursday approved decrees of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints advancing the causes for canonization of 12 individuals, including the American-born Capuchin Solanus Casey and the Vietnamese cardinal Francis Xavier Nguen Van Thuan.
Pope clears way for canonization of Fatima visionaries
Mar 23, 2017 - 06:44 am .- On Thursday Pope Francis approved the second and final miracle needed to canonize Blessed Francisco and Jacinta Marto, two of the shepherd children who witnessed the Fatima Marian apparitions.
Surgeon and father among sainthood causes moving forward
Feb 27, 2017 - 11:03 am .- Pope Francis recognized on Monday the heroic virtue of eight persons on the path to canonization, including an Italian surgeon and father of eight who suffered from several painful diseases throughout his life.

8 Martyrs Move Closer to Sainthood 8 July, 2016
Posted by ZENIT Staff on 8 July, 2016

The angel appears to Saint Monica
This morning, Pope Francis received Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Cardinal Angelo Amato. During the audience, he authorized the promulgation of decrees concerning the following causes:

Miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God Luis Antonio Rosa Ormières, priest and founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Guardian Angel; born July 4, 1809 and died on Jan. 16, 1890
Servants of God Antonio Arribas Hortigüela and 6 Companions, Missionaries of the Sacred Heart; killed in hatred of the Faith, Sept. 29, 1936
Servant of God Josef Mayr-Nusser, a layman; killed in hatred of the Faith, Feb. 24, 1945

Servant of God Alfonse Gallegos of the Order of Augustinian Recollects, Titular Bishop of Sasabe, auxiliary of Sacramento; born Feb. 20, 1931 and died Oct. 6, 1991
Servant of God Rafael Sánchez García, diocesan priest; born June 14, 1911 and died on Aug. 8, 1973
Servant of God Andrés García Acosta, professed layman of the Order of Friars Minor; born Jan. 10, 1800 and died Jan. 14, 1853
Servant of God Joseph Marchetti, professed priest of the Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Charles; born Oct. 3, 1869 and died Dec. 14, 1896
Servant of God Giacomo Viale, professed priest of the Order of Friars Minor, pastor of Bordighera; born Feb. 28, 1830 and died April 16, 1912
Servant of God Maria Pia of the Cross (née Maddalena Notari), foundress of the Congregation of Crucified Sisters Adorers of the Eucharist; born Dec. 2, 1847 and died on July 1, 1919
Sunday, November 23 2014 Six to Be Canonized on Feast of Christ the King.

On the List Are Lay Founder of a Hospital and Eastern Catholic Religious
VATICAN CITY, June 12, 2014 ( - Today, the Vatican announced that during the celebration of the feast of Christ the King on Sunday, November 23, an ordinary public consistory will be held for the canonization of the following six blesseds, who include a lay founder of a hospital for the poor, founders of religious orders, and two members of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, an Eastern Catholic Church in full communion with the Holy See:
-Giovanni Antonio Farina (1803-1888), an Italian bishop who founded the Institute of the Sisters Teachers of Saint Dorothy, Daughters of the Sacred Hearts
-Kuriakose Elias Chavara (1805-1871), a Syro-Malabar priest in India who founded the Carmelites of Mary Immaculate
-Ludovico of Casoria (1814-1885), an Italian Franciscan priest who founded the Gray Sisters of St. Elizabeth
-Nicola Saggio (Nicola da Longobardi, 1650-1709), an Italian oblate of the Order of Minims
-Euphrasia Eluvathingal (1877-1952), an Indian Carmelite of the Syro-Malabar Church
-Amato Ronconi (1238-1304), an Italian, Third Order Franciscan who founded a hospital for poor pilgrims

Pope Recognizes Heroic Virtues of Ukrainian Archbishop
Recognition Brings Metropolitan Archbishop Andrey Sheptytsky Closer to Beatification
By Junno Arocho Esteves Rome, July 17, 2015 (
Pope Francis recognized the heroic virtues of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Archbishop Andrey Sheptytsky. According to a communique released by the Holy See Press Office, the Holy Father met this morning with Cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

The Pope also recognized the heroic virtues of several religious/lay men and women from Italy, Spain, France & Mexico.
Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky is considered to be one of the most influential 20th century figures in the history of the Ukrainian Church.
Enthroned as Metropolitan of Lviv in 1901, Archbishop Sheptytsky was arrested shortly after the outbreak of World War I in 1914 by the Russians. After his imprisonment in several prisons in Russia and the Ukraine, the Archbishop was released in 1918.

The Ukrainian Greek Catholic prelate was also an ardent supporter of the Jewish community in Ukraine, going so far as to learn Hebrew to better communicate with them. He also was a vocal protestor against atrocities committed by the Nazis, evidenced in his pastoral letter, "Thou Shalt Not Kill." He was also known to harbor thousands of Jews in his residence and in Greek Catholic monasteries.
Following his death in 1944, his cause for canonization was opened in 1958.
* * *
The Holy Father authorized the Congregation to promulgate the following decrees regarding the heroic virtues of:
- Servant of God Andrey Sheptytsky, O.S.B.M., major archbishop of Leopolis of the Ukrainians, metropolitan of Halyc (1865-1944);
- Servant of God Giuseppe Carraro, Bishop of Verona, Italy (1899-1980);
- Servant of God Agustin Ramirez Barba, Mexican diocesan priest and founder of the Servants of the Lord of Mercy (1881-1967);
- Servant of God Simpliciano della Nativita (ne Aniello Francesco Saverio Maresca), Italian professed priest of the Order of Friars Minor, founder of the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Hearts (1827-1898);
- Servant of God Maria del Refugio Aguilar y Torres del Cancino, Mexican founder of the Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament (1866-1937);
- Servant of God Marie-Charlotte Dupouy Bordes (Marie-Teresa), French professed religious of the Society of the Religious of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (1873-1953);
- Servant of God Elisa Miceli, Italian founder of the Rural Catechist Sisters of the Sacred Heart (1904-1976);
- Servant of God Isabel Mendez Herrero (Isabel of Mary Immaculate), Spanish professed nun of the Servants of St. Joseph (1924-1953)
October 01, 2015 Vatican City, Pope Authorizes following Decrees
( By Staff Reporter
Polish Layperson Recognized as Servant of God
Pope Authorizes Decrees
Pope Francis on Wednesday authorised the Congregation for Saints' Causes to promulgate the following decrees:

- Servant of God Valentin Palencia Marquina, Spanish diocesan priest, killed in hatred of the faith in Suances, Spain in 1937;

- Servant of God Giovanni Folci, Italian diocesan priest and founder of the Opera Divin Prigioniero (1890-1963);
- Servant of God Franciszek Blachnicki, Polish diocesan priest (1921-1987);
- Servant of God Jose Rivera Ramirez, Spanish diocesan priest (1925-1991);
- Servant of God Juan Manuel Martín del Campo, Mexican diocesan priest (1917-1996);
- Servant of God Antonio Filomeno Maria Losito, Italian professed priest of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (1838-1917);
- Servant of God Maria Benedetta Giuseppa Frey (nee Ersilia Penelope), Italian professed nun of the Cistercian Order (1836-1913);
- Servant of God Hanna Chrzanowska, Polish layperson, Oblate of the Ursulines of St. Benedict (1902-1973).
March 06 2016 MIRACLES authorised the Congregation to promulgate the following decrees:
Pope Francis received in a private audience Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, during which he authorised the Congregation to promulgate the following decrees:

– Blessed Manuel González García, bishop of Palencia, Spain, founder of the Eucharistic Missionaries of Nazareth (1877-1940);
– Blessed Elisabeth of the Trinity (née Elisabeth Catez), French professed religious of the Order of Discalced Carmelites (1880-1906);
– Venerable Servant of God Marie-Eugène of the Child Jesus (né Henri Grialou), French professed priest of the Order of Discalced Carmelites, founder of the Secular Institute “Notre-Dame de Vie” (1894-1967);
– Venerable Servant of God María Antonia of St. Joseph (née María Antonio de Paz y Figueroa), Argentine founder of the Beaterio of the Spiritual Exercise of Buenos Aires (1730-1799);

– Servant of God Stefano Ferrando, Italian professed priest of the Salesians, bishop of Shillong, India, founder of the Congregation of Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians (1895-1978);
– Servant of God Enrico Battista Stanislao Verjus, Italian professed priest of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, coadjutor of the apostolic vicariate of New Guinea (1860-1892);
– Servant of God Giovanni Battista Quilici, Italian diocesan priest, founder of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Crucified (1791-1844);
– Servant of God Bernardo Mattio, Italian diocesan priest (1845-1914);
– Servant of God Quirico Pignalberi, Italian professed priest of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual (1891-1982);
– Servant of God Teodora Campostrini, Italian founder of the Minim Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Sorrows (1788-1860);
– Servant of God Bianca Piccolomini Clementini, Italian founder of the Company of St. Angela Merici di Siena (1875-1959);
– Servant of God María Nieves of the Holy Family (née María Nieves Sánchez y Fernández), Spanish professed religious of the Daughters of Mary of the Pious Schools (1900-1978).

April 26 2016 MIRACLES authorised the Congregation to promulgate the following decrees:
Here is the full list of decrees approved by the Pope:

– Blessed Alfonso Maria Fusco, diocesan priest and founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. John the Baptist (1839-1910);
– Venerable Servant of God John Sullivan, professed priest of the Society of Jesus (1861-1933);
– Servants of God Nikolle Vinçenc Prennushi, O.F.M., archbishop of Durres, Albania, and 37 companions killed between 1945 and 1974;
– Servants of God José Antón Gómez and three companions of the Benedictines of Madrid, Spain, killed 1936;
– Servant of God Thomas Choe Yang-Eop, diocesan priest (1821-1861);
– Servant of God Sosio Del Prete (né Vincenzo), professed priest of the Order of Friars Minor, founder of the Congregation of the Little Servants of Christ the King (1885-1952);
– Servant of God Wenanty Katarzyniec (né Jósef), professed priest of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual (1889-1921);
– Servant of God Maria Consiglia of the Holy Spirity (née Emilia Pasqualina Addatis), founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Addolorata, Servants of Mary (1845-1900);
– Servant of God Maria of the Incarnation (née Caterina Carrasco Tenorio), founder of the Congregation of the Franciscan Tertiary Sisters of the Flock of Mary (1840-1917);
– Servant of God , founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Family of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1851-1923);
– Servant of God Ilia Corsaro, founder of the Congregation of the Little Missionaries of the Eucharist (1897-1977);
– Servant of God Maria Montserrat Grases García, layperson of the Personal Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei (1941-1959).
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